
Must be worth it: The race for power or Leadership

The race is not for the swift…

It is simply impossible to ignore the current tussle and struggle for power
amongst all individuals eyeing public offices especially the title of president even as we look forward to the coming elections. Like always, many Nigerians led by the strong resentment they have for the current government for the years of suffering they have had to withstand are determined to vote in the lesser devil (“The devil you know is better than the one you do not know”, many of them say. But the question of how well they know the devil they think they know is a question that tags along with defensive answers). And so likewise, there are others who even after years of suffering are willing to vote in a candidate simply because, “He understands the system and would most certainly do better”. Nigerians being Nigerians by forgetting that they said the same thing the last time. Why the question of what the ones who have been in the system enough to understand it are still behaving very much like the system confuses them is never asked is downright astonishing and of course, laughable!