
INTERVIEW: “My joy is to ensure a smooth running administration…”- Abraham John Tochi, AASA PRESIDENT.

By Anjolaoluwa Faromo

Welcome to the first official piece under the Interview Category of AASA PRESS publications. Today, this piece features an interview with the President-elect of Archaeology and Anthropology Students Association 2023/2024 academic session. The interview session highlights who he is, what he does and what he intends for this administration.

Below are the excerpts;

PRESS: Good day Sir.
Please can you introduce yourself?
Tochi: I’m Abraham John Tochi. A student of archaeology and anthropology department, of which I am the president. And i’m in 400level
PRESS: Okay Sir. You’re an entrepreneur, yes? What do you do?
Tochi: I own a laundry Business in my name called Tochi Laundromat, I also teach in various secondary schools and Tutorial centers

PRESS: Wow. That seems like a lot.
So, as the president of AASA, student of the department and an entrepreneur, how do you balance your academic and extracurricular activities?
Tochi: It is what I have been doing before I resumed school as an 100level student. Moreover I have people working for me all I need is supervising. I don’t joke with my studies at all, and with God’s help I’m able to balance all without not affecting each other.
PRESS: Hmm, I guess I can call you an hardworking individual.
We’ve heard that people call you “Odogwu.” How true is that, and what’s the story behind it?
Tochi: I don’t know about that oooooo..(chuckles). People can say what they like actually I’m not any odogwu and please no story behind anything. I’m an humble person very free to interact with and also someone that helps anyone who come to me in the best way I can.

PRESS: When you say “help anyone”, in what aspect specifically?
Tochi: Academically and morally and maybe financially but emphasis on “maybe”
PRESS: Oh, “maybe” can be taken as yes, your Excellency..
What kind of family background do you have?
Tochi: A well brought up Christian family, God fearing family. What I am and who I am today is by the word of one man, that is my dad. He directed me well through the way of the lord maybe because he his a pastor though but all thanks to him.
PRESS: That’s beautiful! It’s great to hear that you have a strong spiritual foundation and a supportive family. Your dad’s guidance and leadership have clearly had a profound impact on your life. It’s wonderful that you acknowledge and appreciate his influence. Can you tell me more about how your faith and upbringing have shaped your values and decisions?
Tochi: Just doing the right thing and not hurting anyone seeing everyone same as mine.

PRESS: Nice! Are you in a relationship? Single or married?
Tochi: Lol.. (chuckles) That’s personal to me.. but I’m not married.
PRESS: What are your intentions and goals for the Students Association during this session?
Tochi: Just to have a good and smooth administrative work also I’m there to serve all AASAITES
PRESS: Can you share some specific programs and initiatives you have in mind, and how do you plan to implement them?
Tochi: Looking at financial summit which will be anchored by the Financial Secretary and some other social events. But we are looking at introducing a program called AASA Got Talent. This will be an event that different influencers, will be invited to anchor the program but we are mostly concern about AASAITE to come show off their talents and from there connections might come and prizes will be won as well.
With God by our side I and my team believe this would work out.

PRESS: This sounds Interesting!
For the AASA Got Talent program, what kind of talent and can you give us a name of one of the influencers the students should be expecting?
Tochi: I can’t give you yet just let wait and see.. (chuckles)
PRESS: What changes do you hope to bring to the association, and how will you measure success?
Tochi: Like you all have been seeing there has been some changes in the Exco’s room, and also I’ve been working together with the librarian for some other changes as well. Also, there’s this issue of students not having their package at the end of the session which occurred for the last two sessions and same thing wanted to happen last session under the Kennyjosh-led administration. But with my promises and handwork i’ve strive to rectify that. I guess that’s good news a bit.
Like I said I’m here to serve not just to occupy the office and feel big.

PRESS: Yes, good news indeed. Well done Sir.
Tochi: Yes yes. According to my plan, I want to work with other executives to avoid errors committed by the former administration. I was part of the former administration, although as a general secretary, I know how it went and this was due to the constitution of the department.
By carrying the students of the department along, I can say this is becoming successful. The voice of the students matters.
PRESS: When you say “error”, what do you mean? What kind of errors did the last administration make that you look forward to correcting in your own administration?
Tochi: Actually, I was part of the last administration, but it was not basically under my own administration rather Kennyjosh.
The concern was that the management of the department left the students association to go about things themselves, not dictating for them, as the association was given the privilege to collect dues by themselves. To avoid such, I provided that same avenue with the students paying to the department management, however the students association would have her own account for accountability to take place.

PRESS: Impressive! Concerning the voice of the students matters, was the new agenda of creating students representative council for the department brought by you and has it been created?
Tochi: No, it has not been created and it was not my vision. Some set of people brought the idea to me and I accepted it seeing that it is for the betterment of the association and department. This idea has been wanting to take place from the last two administrations, which has asked them to draft a constitution. This, I also asked them to do, but they have not reached out to me since then.

PRESS: How far are you willing to go to ensure the success of the association, and what sacrifices are you prepared to make?
Tochi: It is not an easy job, but a task that needs to be accomplished. Nobody forced anyone to take on this responsibility, it was voluntary. And I know what I heard concerning this office. My joy is to ensure a smooth running administration, where there would be no complaints, murmuring or side talks anywhere in the department, hence a happy and peaceful tenure. Some of the sacrifices I had made was at the detriment of my studies and work, for example, the first two weeks of resumption was really tasking as I had to attend to presidential duties.
PRESS: Talking about a smooth running administration, do you really think you can make everybody happy and satisfied with your administration?
Tochi: Actually, you can’t make everyone happy, however you can make 99% of the people happy.

PRESS: Alright, final question. What quote or philosophy guides your approach to leadership and life?
Tochi: If you can’t wear it, don’t wear it, but if you think you can wear it, wear it. This is because it is not easy stuff combining politics, academics and the likes and the need to ensure the people you are serving are in a better state. There is a lot of shades to politics, however if you maintain your grounds well, it will work out.
PRESS: Thank you very much for your time. It is well appreciated.

And there you have it AASAITES, straight from the Office of the President. We look forward to great things from this administration, as promised.


POEM: A School..Like no Other

By Akinlalu Sharon

A school that gave birth to the best,
A school so convenient to be,
A school full of knowledge and peace,
A school I’ve always dreamt to be,
A school filled with great passion and talent,
I mean a school like university of ibadan,
A school I got admission into and I was called the idan gangan,

Or is it not plenty in the ear,
I mean the first and the best school ever that your school mates have always dreamt to be since forever,
A school like indomitable, LIKE NO OTHER,
A university with a beacon of excellence, a shinning star,
A university where minds are expanded and futures are shaped from afar,

A university where you find a community that’s vibrant and bold,
A university where diversity is celebrated and individuality is told,
A university with professors who are compassionate and mentors who care,
A university with individuals to guide you on your journey and help you reach new heights,
So embrace this new chapter of life and all that it brings,
Embrace the challenges and let your spirit align with all the goodies that it has to give.

Vox pop

THE COST Of KNOWLEDGE: Is The Fee Increase Justifiable or Exploitative?

By Emmanuel Akano.

Amidst the effects of the crippling and fast decelerating economy ravaging the country known to be the giant of Africa, where soaring inflation and “strangled” survival of the masses is now a norm, the latest blow to the already beleaguered and pressured students of the University of Ibadan has left many clueless, hopeless and devastated. The recent bombshell implementation of a massive fee hike has become the latest flashpoint of debate over it’s affordability and accessibility. With over 100% increase in bundled fees, many of the students are beginning to feel that the once “free” education has now become a political campaign manifesto – promised and never implemented. This has brought about questions by the students of the University’s commitment and the Government’s support to their education.

With pockets emptied and futures uncertain, we ask the ones who matter the most – the students- to share their thoughts, fears, frustrations and probably better ideas, in a bid to save the leaders of tomorrow. Different sets of students were interviewed ranging from freshers to finalists, and each one of them had something to say as regards the fee increase.

Joy, a finalist in UI said the increase in the fees have affected her “..negatively..” She also said noted that she has added some side jobs to support herself while in school. Further questions asked were;
Interviewer: “Did you consider/think of opting out as a student.”
Respondent: ” Well, me as a finalist, there’s no way I should opt out. I have no choice, I’ve gone through 4 years+, giving up now is a waste of time. ”

The second respondent was Imoleayo Oluwatosin, a 200 level student.
Interviewer: Seeing the increase in UI’s fees, do you plan to work alongside academics to support your parents?
Respondent: Yeah, I am. I am a network marketer, that is where I get my urgent 5k from.
Interviewer: Do you think UI made a right decision by increasing the fees?
Respondent: “… I think the reason they are increasing the fees because the lecturers are not getting paid enough and if they believe if they increase it they can get funds… It’s too much, I’m not a fresher and I’m paying 200 + ”

Also, another stalite was interviewed to weigh another point of view. Motunrayo, a 300 level student.
Interviewer: How has the increase in fee affected you?
Respondent: ” Well, I don’t know how to pay my school fees if they don’t reduce it,…the money is much Sha, I Just pray they reduce it…”
Interviewer: Do you fund yourself?
Respondent: In some ways, but not…
Interviewer: Do you think it’s actually considerable that UI increased the fees, probably because pthey are not receiving funds from the government.?
Respondent: They don’t have a reason to increase the fee…because… there’s no improvement in the facilities..nothing changes..

Having heard staylites, new UI intakes were also asked on what they feel about the increase in fees?
David, a fresher of the department of Vet. Medicine;
Interviewer: I know you’ve had of UI before, probably one of the reasons you chose UI was its affordable fee, getting to UI and seeing that the fees have been skyrocketed, what was your impression about that?
Respondent: When we first came in, we had this motive of UI having the lowest fees…,but with the same force we entered, we got hit…😂, The fees was much, imagine preparing for a fee of 40,000/60,000/80,000 and you’re paying for about #400,000, it’s actually something that’s too painful to hear about, and looking at the cost of living right now….
Interviewer: Did you consider opting out?
Respondent: Well, based on me, opting out has never been an option, but for others, opting out is definitely an option… You can’t imagine studying a 6-year course and paying 400,000 asides other fees
Interviewer: Do you intend having side jobs or “hustles” to support your parents?
Respondent: “..I would like to have a side job..but we have to see what we can do about, even the government has to do something about creating funding avenues, scholarships…”

From optimism to outrage, their voices reveal the true cost of higher education. Delayed dreams, daunted determinations and their fears for the future has caused many students pleading to the powers that be and hoping for a restored accessible education.



By Chike Favour

In a statement released earlier this week, the President of the Archaeology and Anthropology Student Association (AASA), Abraham John Tochi, announced that the long-awaited 2022/2023 package has finally been approved.

“Good morning Honorables,” the statement began. “I trust we had a good night’s rest. I am using this medium to inform us that the last session’s package for 2022/2023 has now been approved.”
President Tochi expressed his gratitude to everyone for their patience and belief in his ability to secure the package for the association. “I thank everyone for their patience and for believing in me to work this out for the association,” he said.

According to the statement, disbursement of the package is set to begin by next week. The President concluded his announcement with a rallying cry, “Till we win! Aluta Continua!”

This development is expected to bring relief and excitement to members of the association who have been waiting patiently for news about the release of package. It’s no news that President Tochi’s leadership and efforts have been instrumental in securing this approval, and his dedication to the association’s welfare is evident in this achievement. No doubt there’s always a silver lining in a dark cloud and this could be a pointer to a better administration.

Did you Know?


By Maryam Sani

Human zoos existed in the 19th and 20th century- we apparently did live like our distant cousins.

Human zoos otherwise known as ethnological expositions were exhibitions where people from different ethnic orientations namely the African, Inuit, Javanese, Indian, ceylonese and other non-european countries were displayed for the entertainment of colonizers. Colonizers on discovery of these civilizations which were very different from their’s sort to exploit, rather than understand or appreciate them leading to the creation of human zoos. The colonizers captured, bought, leased or hired natives from their “primitive” habitat and brought them to world fairs such as the ones held in France, Germany, America, Spain, England and Switzerland to be criticized and made fun of.

These world fairs are said to have gathered an audience of about two billion paying customers, who gathered to watch as the “exhibits”, as they were called, dance In their traditional attires, and go about reenacting certain aspects of their daily lives as they lived them in their native land. Their enclosures were make shift replicas of their indigenous homes, they were made to wear their primary traditional attires with no added coverings even when the weather was at freezing temperatures.

This constituted a problem because, the native wears the “exhibits” wore were mainly animal skin offering coverage to their private areas and nothing more. These people lived under different climatic conditions some more humid than others, making their traditional clothes to suit their weather. As a result, when they were moved to colder countries records of “exhibits” dying due to their systems ill welcome of the drastic change in climate were made.

Human zoos didn’t operate like museums do, the audience didn’t pay to admire the differences in human genetics, or cultural norms or dress style or life style, no! They paid to make themselves feel better. Human zoos were built purely on the backbone of the idea of white supremacy. Human zoos were built solely to propagate and encourage racist and supremacist ideologies. Organizers of these zoos cut out selected activities or techniques used in carrying out certain tasks to minimize the similarities the “exhibits” shared with the westerners, in fears that it might bring about a sense of sameness in the minds of the viewers, making their activities wrong. The idea that they were sensitizing their customers on nature’s “anomalies” made the pill of them treating humans like animals easier to swallow.

Instead of being like museums, human zoos operated just like circuses did, where paying customers came to laugh and make fun of the clowns and acts they performed. But in this case, the clowns were people of very different genetic compositions in their native attires, while their “acts” were traditional dances and reenactment of their “daily” routine.

These activities were so common that in 1906 the Bronx zoo in New York, put a teenage African boy in the same enclosure with a monkey. This was done to highlight the “candid” similarities between “less evolved” humans shared with animals. These exhibitions were created to emphasize the superiority of the western culture, rather than understanding and appreciating the diversity that characterizes the world.


HEALTH: Why You Have Headaches On Your Period; Dear Ladies…

By Orobiyi Elizabeth

How many of you experience headache while on your period? If so, do you want to know why and how to curb it? Then follow me as I take you through the journey of something new.

Headaches during menstruation can be referred to as menstrual migraines or menstrual headaches. You know the regular headache one feels on a normal day, yes? So this coupled with your period is what brings about the name menstrual headaches.

Menstrual headaches are primarily responsible by several factors such as;

Before menstruation, estrogen level drops drastically which triggers headache in individuals. You know what estrogen is, right? Oh well, let me help with that. Estrogen are natural steroids (such as estradiol) that are formed from androgen precursors, that are secreted chiefly by the ovaries, placenta, adipose tissue, and testes, and that stimulate the development of female secondary sex characteristics and promote the growth and maintenance of the female reproductive system. Estrogen plays a role in the regulation of brain chemicals that influence pain sensation.
Not only does the estrogen level decrease but also the progesterone. Just like the estrogen, the progesterone level drop before menstruation. This hormonal change can contribute to menstrual migraine. Progesterone helps to prepare the endometrium for implantation and later by the placenta during pregnancy to prevent rejection of the developing embryo or fetus. However, when the progesterone level drops before menstruation, it results to headaches in susceptible individuals.

When the body releases blood during menstruation, it results to dehydration which is a common trigger for headaches. It’s as simple as that! The more liquid is been taken out of your body, the more dehydrated you’ll be thus resulting to headaches.

Heavy menstrual flow can cause a drop in iron levels which potentially results to anemia. Anemia results to fatigue and headache. Anemia is a medical condition where the body has a lower than normal number of red blood cells or the red blood cells do not have enough hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to different parts of the body. As a result, the body’s tissues and organs do not receive the
The headaches associated with anemia are often described as:
• Dull and diffuse
• Mild to moderate in severity
• Worsening with physical activity or exertion

Menstruation can be a physically and emotionally taxing process, leading to increased stress and fatigue, which can trigger headaches.

How To Curb Menstrual Headaches;
1. Hydration: Drink lots of water on your period. I mean, lots of water. Hydration can help prevent dehydration -related headaches.
2. Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in iron and magnesium can help alleviate headache. Iron related foods and fruits which can be accessible within UI and it’s environs are; Fruits( Oranges, Grapefruit, Pineapple, Watermelon, Date) Foods ( Beef, kidney beans, while wheat bread, bell peppers, tomatoes).
3. Medication: For a severe menstrual migraines, consult a healthcare provider for appropriate options.

And so, dear ladies, when next you get that pounding on your head or that dull ache, ensure that you have dotted your ‘I’s and crossed your ‘T’s. If symptoms persists severely, do well to reach out to a medical personnel.
Cheers to headache-free periods.



By Akano Emmanuel

In the midst of a thrilling resumption session, a start for some and a restart for others, sporting events across the first and best University of Nigeria, University of Ibadan, is not left behind as preparations for the biggest football tournament within its borders is in earnest. This prestigious tournament modelled after the well known UEFA champions league is known as “The Seals Cup.”

The Seals Cup is a prestigious football tournament played amongst departments of the University of Ibadan. It features a number of 32 teams, 64 games with just a winner. The winner is expected to be awarded quite a number of awards as this competition is hosted by the Student Union of the University. All matches are expected to be played on the well known SUB pitch.

The Seals Cup has become a highly anticipated event in the University’s calendar, with various departments vying for the coveted title. Last year champions, the department of Philosophy, are eager to defend the trophy while other departments are willing to clinch on the title.

Another thrilling aspect to this tournament is the introduction of the female team to also take part in this competition. From time immemorial, this competition has only featured the male team of different departments to partake in the tournament, however, this session sees an exciting change, as female teams are also permitted to partake in this tournament. This sounds exciting!

So, 32 solid teams, 64 breathtaking matches, 1 champion. Who do you think will emerge as the winner? Will the Plato boys defend their title or will a new Champion emerge? Well, the battle for the Seals Cup is set to be intense, and only time will tell who will reign as Champion for the 2023/2024 session.

Let the games begin!


OPINION: School System Or Education?

By Adedeji Gideon

The age-old debate of School vs Education has persisted for decades, with valid arguments on both sides. However, in my view, education is vastly superior to the traditional school system.

You would agree with me, that the core purpose of education is to impart knowledge, cultivate critical thinking, and prepare individuals for the challenges of the real world, yes? However, the present-day school system has become increasingly focused on standardized testing, role memorization, and teaching to the test, all perfunctory as opposed to the impact of education in itself. This quite narrow approach fails to truly engage students or foster a genuine love of learning, one that aids the students in applying theory to real life situations. The rigid structure and one-size-fits-all curriculum of schools not only impairs creativity, but also, individuality, and the unique learning styles of students. Many students find themselves uninterested with the conventional educational process, rather simply going through the motions to earn a diploma rather than genuinely expanding their horizons, or building intellectual stamina.

Education in contrast, when approached with passion and genuine interest, can be a transformative experience. By taking control of our own learning, we can:
1. Tailor learning to our specific interests, needs, and learning styles, enabling us to be able to develop expertise in areas that really matter, rather than being constrained by a rigid curriculum. This allows for flexibility and personalization leading to a more fulfilling and impactful educational journey.

2. Cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and growth, thus equipping ourselves with the skills and adaptability to navigate an ever-changing world. This is in contrast to the school system’s focus on merely attaining a degree or certificate, which leads to an erroneous conclusion that learning ends after formal schooling.

3. Acquire a more direct connection to the skills and knowledge required in the modern workforce and entrepreneurial landscape- the real world, by focusing on practical applications and problem-solving.

4. Engage in collaborative learning, where we can learn from one another, sharing ideas, and working together to solve complex problems. This allows for the development of valuable interpersonal, quality relationships and teamwork skills, in contrast to the mostly competitive environment of the school system.

5. Nurse and nurture a lifelong passion for continuous growth and development in our areas of passion, leading to greater fulfillment and a more enriching personal and professional journey.

The world today is experiencing a rapid pace of technological and societal change, which in turn demands a flexible, adaptable approach to learning. The stoic and conventional nature of the school system struggles to keep up with these evolving demands, whereas education empowers individuals to continuously learn, grow, and adapt throughout their lives. Of course, the place of the school system cannot be discussed away, as it serves an important role in providing a structured foundation and avenue for access to educational resources for many students. However, in a new world, where information and educational opportunities are more readily available, and easily accessible than ever before, an aftermath of the concept of globalization, the case for prioritizing self-directed education over the constraints of the traditional school model becomes increasingly compelling, and the tide is seeming to favor the corner.

Indeed the school system has its merits, but education, with its emphasis on personalized learning, critical thinking, and lifelong development, is the superior path to unlocking one’s full potential and preparing for the challenges of the modern world. In the long run, the choice between school and education is ultimately a personal one, one must carefully decide the route to satisfy the unique demands of their chosen paths.



By Ayomiposi Grace

In an innovative move, the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology of the University of Ibadan is prepared to unveil its novel online television platform, AASA TV, on the 29th of June, 2024.

The president of the department, Abraham John Tochi, during an interview, expounded that the executives of the association came up with the initiative, while recognizing the need for a platform where viewers can “enjoy premium contents like never before. from entertainment to sports and news around the world. . .”

In addition to entertainment the AASA TV launch aims to support small enterprises and budding entrepreneurs by providing a platform where AASAites and non-AASAites alike can advertise and promote their products and services by showcasing them to a wider audience.

By combining education, entertainment, and entrepreneurship, AASA TV is poised to make a significant impact in the online content landscape, while at the same time “generating funds in support of the association,” the President said.


EDITORIAL: A Warm Welcome to the Freshers.

The reputation ‘First and the Best’ is one that precedes the University of Ibadan, embodying an excellence that goes beyond ephemeral things to the true nature- infact, an indisputable one, of the University. It’s not just a title, it’s a culture- ‘If it is from unibadan, it can only be the Best’.

As the very first of its kind in the history of education in Nigeria, the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Ibadan, holds the honor of heralding the onset of cultural and historical research, anthropological and archaeological studies cutting across two main faculties-the Arts and the Sciences, essentially encompassing the need to preserve the past as a vital link to the present and even the nearest and/or farthest future. A research unit pioneered by a renowned name, training inaugural students who indeed set the pace for those after them to move with, where we, being the ‘those’, are now here counted worthy to leave our mark in the documentations of history.

And so, Dear Freshers, welcome…

On Thursday, June 20, 2024, the executives of the Archaeology and Anthropology Student Association organized an orientation meeting for the fresh students of the Department. This was done according to the rituals of resumption reserved for fresh students across all departments, faculties, and association bodies on campus. The orientation was graced by the presence of stakeholders in the association, representing both faculties- Arts and Science. Key stakeholders, such as; Chairman, AASA Stakeholders Committee- Miss. Solafunmi Alawusa; President, FASSA- Honorable Emmanuel Oniyide; Deputy Speaker, FSRC- Honorable Aremo David; Deputy Speaker, AFAS FLC- Honorable Busayo Ogunsemore; Sports Director, Kenneth Mellanby Hall- Mr. Jibril Oladejo; Chairman AAIEC- Honorable Daniel; Editor-in-chief, AASA PRESS- Miss. Ayooluwa Ekundare; President, AASCF & FACA- Mr. Peter Alonge, etc.

The orientation convened by the executives- Mr. Tochi John, President AASA; Miss. Kofoworola Adegboyega, Vice President AASA; Mr. Emmanuel Ilemobayo, General Secretary AASA, was one convened with the intention that the fresh students are welcomed into the department as courtesy demands, giving them a glimpse into what lies in stock for them. In a manner of welcome, the freshers were addressed by some of these key stakeholders, who according to their experience, were able to give salient points of advice, as it concerns the peculiarities of the department.

The orientation was also graced by the presence of the Head of Department, Professor Aderemi S. Ajala, who further addressed the students on the uniqueness of the department, the peculiarities of the course of study, the multifaceted nature of the disciplines, benefits that are affiliated to the disciplines, and the best disposition for the guarantee of a successful academic pursuit as it concerns the disciplines. He also went down memory lane, speaking of his time as a student in the department in its early days, and how that foundation has now afforded him a wealth of opportunities- tapped and untapped.

Although, it is in fulfillment of perfunctory duties, the orientation is believed to have struck the right chords, thus producing the expected results- extending a warm welcome. Therefore, this editorial piece seeks to make a toast to the wonderful experience that has begun for the fresh students of this pioneer department, wishing them the very best of all things success and fulfilment. Cheers.


OPINION: Globalization; A Threat to Our Cultural Identity?

By Anjolaoluwa Faromo

In today’s interconnected world, globalization has brought numerous benefits, including economic growth, cultural exchange, and access to diverse perspectives. However, I can’t help but wonder if this phenomenon is eroding our cultural identity and threatening our very way of life. On the one hand, globalization has opened up new opportunities for cultural exchange and learning, which is great! On the other hand, I worry that it might lead to the loss of our unique cultural practices and traditions.

One of the key concerns is that globalization may lead to cultural “homogenization,” where local traditions and languages are pushed aside and replaced by more dominant global cultures. According to a 2018 report by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 40% of African languages are at risk of disappearing, partly due to globalization and urbanization.

Moreover, a 2017 survey by the South African Institute of Race Relations found that 57% of South African youth (aged 18-24) identified more strongly with global pop culture than with their own cultural heritage. This trend stirs concern, as it suggests that young people are losing touch with their cultural roots.
But, I also believe that globalization can be a good thing if we approach it in the right way. We can learn from other cultures and share our own with the world, while still preserving and celebrating our unique cultural heritage.

This then begs the question; Is globalization a threat to our cultural identity? Or is it an avenue for wholesome evolution?

Did you Know?

DID YOU KNOW? Neanderthal Language Differed From Modern Human – they probably didn’t use metaphors..

By Egunsola John

Speculation is involved, keep that in mind. It’s debated but there’s some evidence suggesting other hominids did have some form of language. For example, hyoid bones.

The evolution of language is a fascinating and complex topic, explored by scholars such as Steven Mithen. When considering how Neanderthal language might have differed from that of modern humans, we must recognize the speculative nature of such discussions, even though some evidence suggests that other hominids did possess some form of language.
In his exploration of Neanderthal language, Mithen suggests that while Neanderthals likely had some form of communication, it probably lacked the sophistication and abstract capabilities of modern human language, particularly in the use of metaphors . Metaphorical language involves abstract thinking and the ability to relate disparate concepts creatively, a feature that may have been beyond the linguistic capabilities of Neanderthals.

Evidence supporting the idea that Neanderthals had a form of language includes the presence of hyoid bones, which are crucial for speech. These bones, found in Neanderthal fossils, indicate that they had the anatomical capacity for speech similar to that of modern humans . This anatomical evidence suggests that Neanderthals could produce a range of sounds necessary for verbal communication.
However, serious speculation remains. The exact nature and complexity of Neanderthal language continue to be debated. While they might have had the physical ability to speak, the cognitive and cultural contexts required for complex language, particularly the use of metaphors and abstract concepts, may have been lacking.

To illustrate the difference between speculation and evidence, consider the example of using obsidian skin scraping tools. While these tools were highly effective for many tasks, even they would struggle with delicate tasks such as cutting or shaving hair. Similarly, while Neanderthals had the physical tools for speech, the finer aspects of language—like metaphor—may have been beyond their reach.

In conclusion, while there is some evidence to suggest that Neanderthals had a form of language, it is likely that their communication lacked the metaphorical and abstract richness found in modern human languages. The study of language evolution remains an intriguing field, blending evidence with thoughtful speculation.

Entertainment and Lifestyle

FASHION: Something About The Old Saying…

By Adeniyi David omololu.

Transitioning from secondary school into higher institution is always a great and amazing experience for students. This transition comes with diverse opportunities, leaving the students with a lot to tap into, garner from, and eventually characterize their university experience.

The thrill and joy that comes with getting admitted into a university of one’s own choice, especially when that choice is the first and the best university in Nigeria, can indeed be overwhelming. And upon admission, usually what comes into a student’s mind is “Freedom!”. The freedom to leave the protective wings of our parents, and begin to live a semi-independent life. Freedom from house chores, freedom to connect to other students from different background and as a juicy incentive, the freedom of dressing.

As university students, we are now no longer subjected to wearing uniforms like we did in our secondary school days, we are now treated like adults, like we have always dreamt of. This stage also serves as the time where most of us find what will eventually become our fashion sense/style. We begin to filter what we would like to be attributed with fashion statement as it concerns us. Presently, some freshers are probably in a state of dilemma as it concerns their mode of the dressing, trying to fit into what is acceptable on campus, while also trying to be comfortable and presentable. Some are as well busy killing us with all the ‘steeze’ ideas and contents they have fantasized about or probably have developed from their respective spheres, hence chaos on campus.

Dear freshers, do remember that something about the old saying, “the way you dress is how you will be addressed”, still rings true till today. It is therefore imperative that you do not take this freedom for granted, misusing the free reins you have been given to shape your life. Dear ladies, beauty lies not in those thighs alone, and my able men, it is time to cultivate that decency and project responsibility through your appearance, remember you have left home. Welcome to the department of History and Culture, where modesty as a tenet of culture will be explored, and so, there’s therefore the need to act accordingly.

How you dress is who you are. That old saying says quite a lot about Identity, this dress according to how you would like to be identified, or according to what you would like to be identified with. And as it concerns first impressions, dear fresher, how you dress goes a long way. Infact, how you dress as a fresher determines the kind of company you are likely to attract.
As a fresher, if you are in a state of dilemma on how to dress acceptably on campus, my advice? Make it simple and elegant. Dear ladies, there is a certain beauty that comes with simplicity, my able men, remember to rock your simple fits with confidence and a sense of responsibility and you’re good to go.

Again, welcome to the University of your choice. Cheers to Success.



By Adedeji Eniola.

On June 9, 2024, the Lagos State Government declared the outbreak of a disease. As reported by the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) on June 12, 2024, 324 suspected cases have been reported in the state, including 15 people who died and 40 who were discharged.

Cholera is an infectious and potentially life-threatening disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It is primarily transmitted through contaminated water or food, leading to severe diarrhea and dehydration. It is mainly caused by consuming water or food contaminated with the Vibrio cholerae bacterium. The bacterium is typically found in areas with poor sanitation and limited access to clean drinking water. Outbreaks commonly occur in regions affected by natural disasters, overcrowded areas, or inadequate sanitation facilities. Cholera can quickly spread through communities if proper hygiene practices are not followed.
With another school session in progress and with students resuming back to their various hostels and place of abode, one must must take note of the following to prevent the spread of Cholera. But, to start with, what are the symptoms of cholera?

The SYMPTOMS of cholera can vary in severity, ranging from mild to severe. Some common symptoms include:
Diarrhea: The hallmark symptom of cholera is profuse watery diarrhea, also known as “rice-water” stools. The diarrhea is painless, odorless, and contains high levels of electrolytes.
Vomiting: Individuals may experience persistent vomiting, which can lead to rapid fluid loss and dehydration.
Dehydration: Cholera-induced diarrhea and vomiting can result in severe dehydration. Signs of dehydration include dry mouth, excessive thirst, low urine output, and reduced skin elasticity.
Muscle cramps: Intense muscle cramps, particularly in the legs and abdomen, may occur due to electrolyte imbalances caused by fluid loss.
Rapid heart rate: Dehydration can lead to an increased heart rate, causing palpitations and a weak pulse.

Prevention plays a vital role in controlling cholera outbreaks. Here are some preventive measures that can be taken:
Access to clean water: Ensuring access to safe drinking water through improved water sources, filtration, and disinfection methods.
Sanitation practices: Promoting proper sanitation facilities, including the use of latrines, hygienic waste disposal, and handwashing with soap.
Awareness: Creating awareness platforms here in school about the importance of hygiene, safe food handling practices, and early recognition of cholera symptoms.
Vaccination: In areas with a high risk of cholera, vaccination campaigns can be conducted to provide population-wide immunity and reduce the incidence of the disease. This can be done in partnership with the school’s medical hospital “Jaja”.

Prompt treatment is essential to manage cholera effectively and minimize complications. The main treatment measures for cholera include the following:
Rehydration: The primary goal of treatment is to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes. Oral rehydration solution (ORS) or intravenous fluids are administered to restore hydration levels in mild to moderate cases.
Hospitalization: Severe cases may require hospitalization for intravenous fluid replacement.
Antibiotics: Antibiotic therapy can help reduce the duration and severity of cholera symptoms. Commonly used antibiotics include doxycycline, azithromycin, and ciprofloxacin.
Prevention of further spread: Isolation of infected individuals, strict adherence to proper hygiene practices, and provision of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities are crucial to preventing the spread of cholera within communities.

In conclusion, prevention they say is better than cure, and that is why severe adherence to preventive measures such as access to clean water, improved sanitation, and health education can significantly reduce the burden of cholera amongst us students here in school. And so, as you are settling in, and adjusting to resume school activities, remember to keep your health in mind. Stay safe!


AASA SPORTS: A Thrilling Conclusion to The Last Semester’s and An Onward March to Clinch on to The Gold Medals Yet Again!

By Chike Favour

The last semester’s sports competitions for Archaeology and Anthropology Department came to a thrilling close with the FASSA and AFAS Dean’s Cup. The Cup featured intense battles in athletics, football, scrabble, and chess, all in which our departmental teams showcased remarkable talent and determination, bagging an impressive collection of medals and accolades, this representing the department in an exemplary manner.

The FASSA Dean’s Cup athletics competition saw our athletes dominating the tracks, securing 5 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals in the 100m, 200m, and 400m races for both male and female categories.

AASA athletes

The football competition also saw our male team put up a valiant fight, reaching the quarterfinals before being knocked out by Computer Science. The female team, however, clinched the second runner-up position after defeating Botany female team, finishing third overall. And so it can be said, that we fought a good fight. Our scrabble and chess teams also participated with vigor, although the exact standings were not disclosed, as only gold and silver medals were awarded to the winners.

AASA Football Male Team

The AFAS Dean’s Cup saw our male football team face a tough defeat in the final match against Philosophy, losing on penalties. The female team suffered a similar fate, being knocked out in the third position match by Philosophy, also on penalties. However, this does not discredit the work that was put in to secure the win. Our scrabble and chess teams also participated with so much enthusiasm and bagged the Gold medals for both games.

AASA Football Female Team

As we look ahead to the new semester, our teams are gearing up for an exciting sports experience. The Seals Cup, organized by the University of Ibadan Student Union, presents an opportunity for out teams to dive in again and aim for the trophy for both the Male football team and the Female football team. Anticipation is also building for the Super Four competition in the Faculty of Arts, where the top four teams from the Dean’s Cup will battle it out for the title of supremacy.

The second semester also presents exciting sport endeavors. We will be participating in the FASSA and AFAS Dean’s Cup once again, with a strong formidable squad in football, athletics, scrabble, chess, table tennis (for boys), and other sporting activities. Our teams are determined to build on their previous successes, sharpen their skills and go for the win, bringing home more medals and awards. With renewed spirit and determination, the sports team is on an onward march, this semester, to clinch the gold medals and make our mark in the university’s sports scene.



By Oderinde Motunrayo

“With great Power comes great Responsibility..”, how then do we hold power to account, if or when it lacks responsibility?

In recent times, murmurs have been going on about how there’s the arising need for power to be held to account, as it concerns the Archaeology and Anthropology Student Association’s administration. Questions have been raised, concerns have been communicated, the student body is yearning for a voice that will ensure that their affairs are duly attended to with all integrity. Hence, the Press has decided to dig into this arising need.

On Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, the Press conducted virtual interviews with some honorable members of the department who are part of different student representative councils across the faculty and department. They are Miss. Solafunmi Alawusa, the Chairperson of AASA Stakeholders, Hon. Ogunsemore Busayo Blessing, the Deputy Speaker of AFAS FLC, and Hon. Aremo David, the Deputy Speaker of FASSA SRC (FSRC).

The topic of discussion was the creation of the SRC and its benefits to the student body. Miss. Solafunmi expressed that the creation of SRC “is a good initiative that would foster the interest of the students.” She explained that the SRC is a “voice and representation of the students.” She elaborated on how the SRC would intervene in student matters, oversee issues such as the “rumor of mismanagement of funds in the department and accountability, package issues, and create a stronger sense of community among students.”
Hon. Busayo attested to this, explaining that the SRC would help ensure checks and balances in the affairs of the executive. She further explained that they will “help regulate laws within an administration” through the guidance of the constitution that is set up. She noted that with the SRC on board, issues concerning packages or fieldwork palaver would become minimal. Hon. Aremo also expressed the importance of creating the SRC arm, emphasizing its usefulness as a voice for the student body.

Questions were raised about the selection process of members for the committee and the feasibility of creating this arm in the department. Hon. Busayo responded that the selection process would be stated in the constructed constitution, while Hon. Aremo explained that the selection process would involve picking representatives across all levels.

While the SRC sounds interesting and effective, the issue of feasibility still lurks in the shadows. Hon. Busayo expressed frustration about the feasibility of the SRC, stating that “it has been pushed for over the years but with no solid result of its creation.” However, Hon. Aremo confidently replied that “yes, it’s feasible” and all that’s needed is for them to tender their plans and constitution to the Head of Department. Before the creation of the SRC, “there must first be the enactment of a constitution” according to Hon. Busayo. The question of how the SRC will be funded was also raised. Hon. Solafunmi explained that the SRC “is liable to a percentage from the dues paid by students.” This method cannot be completely faulted since it’s towards fostering the cause of the student body.

The interview concluded with a question about the tenets of the SRC. Like every arm of government, the SRC has its own code of conduct, which members must follow to maintain discipline among themselves. Hon. Aremo listed some of the tenets, including: “Bowing before the mace when the speaker is on seat before leaving (referred to as ingress and egress); No non-parliamentary words are allowed” He explained that these rules are called standing orders, ensuring discipline among SRC members. Hon. Busayo added that “Accountability, dedication, and transparency” are also crucial codes of the council.

These interviews have hitherto raised awareness about the importance of student involvement in the department’s decision-making process. Creating a Student Representative Council in the department will provide a platform for students to voice their concerns without fear or doubt. This council will represent students’ interests, ensure checks and balances, fair budget allocation, and timely distribution of student packages.

However, the question is; can the SRC stand up to the highest authority? If feasibility is assured, and thus the council is established, can the students trust that indeed power will hitherto be held to account?



By Ayomiposi Grace

The Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, has called on its freshmen who are interested in contesting for the titles of Mr. and Miss AFAS 2023/2024 session to apply for registration.

This is in compliance with the faculty’s yearly tradition of appointing, through the contest, two students of both sexes among the newly admitted students as the faces of the faculty. This is done in a bid to integrate the new students into the social happenings of the faculty, opening them up to a session of adventure and social experiences.

Applicants who emerge as winners do not only get to be crowned the new Mr. and Miss AFAS, but also stand to win prizes worth over a hundred thousand naira. These winners also stand to gain recognition and viable opportunities to network and connect within the faculty. They are also exposed to profitable link-ups, that may prove useful for personal growth, business growth and all-round development.

The faculty urges interested members to visit the link, for detailed information. This is a call for freshers to get involved in the social environment within the larger academic domain, expand their horizons and tap into their potentials


EDITORIAL: The Conundrum that is Culture…

The universe is a vast space of diverse species spread far and wide, the diversity in the universe knows no bounds and cannot exactly be contained in a simple definition or explanation. That diversity is what makes the universe what it is.
However, in a bid to understand this diversity, and compress it to man’s understanding, the concept of culture comes to play. But like almost all of man’s endeavors, culture is a concept that has no finite conclusion. Hence, the conundrum that is Culture…

The Conundrum..
It could be contrasting, it could be different, it could be that it just does not fit, or that there is no finite definition that caps it all, the conundrum can be many things.. In the works of the 19th-century Danish Philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, in lieu of his many works such as ‘Fear and Trembling‘ and ‘Knight of Faith‘, he compared a conundrum to have the same contextual meaning as an ‘existential dilemma‘. His works are writings that often involve the characters having to make ‘dilemmic’ decisions or decide if a choice between incomparable elements is foolhardy or a show of strength.
For this editorial piece however, the conundrum here is one that doesn’t appear to be finite, although designed to be encompassing, providing a true bearing to diversity, it is still in itself diverse beyond measure. Hence, the conundrum of attempting to encompass diverse and infinite in a finite concept.
And so, like Søren opined, a conundrum is infact an existential dilemma, and in this case, one that leaves one wondering about the conclusion of the whole matter, evaluating tenets, examining it with various parameters that exist diversely, wondering if the acclaimed one-cap-fits-all definition is truly the beginning and end of a concept so profound. The conundrum is one that makes one wonder if infact there could be more or if there is more to the concept than meets the eye…

..that is Culture..
According to an Anthropological renowned figure, Edward Burnett Tylor, culture is pretty much finite. Bound by the tenets of KBALMC (Knowledge, Belief, Art, Laws, Morals, Custom), and any other factor as dictated by society that binds an individual acceptably to the said society. This definition should apparently be enough to encapsulate the diversity that exists within the universe, however, there is the question of individualism, personhood, inherent nature, opinions and choices, and essentially the sometimes conflicting nature of man. Where do these fit into the Tylorian definition, what accounts for them?
Indeed the nature of culture itself, far outweighs what it is perceived as. A concept that cuts across different aspects, social, biological, mental, even physical, cannot simply be put into a box when it is supposed to exist outside of any confinement. Culture in its diversity is influenced by many a thing, from the inherent nature of man to personal inclinations that influence behavior, to sporadic or periodic innovation and change within a society, to mutations in the stereotypical, and other diverse things.

Culture in itself is a conundrum, a concept that seems to tease the ability of man to confound things that stretch beyond comprehension, poking out at loose ends and peeking out from loop holes that show at every turn, never seeming to fit completely. Maybe being a conundrum, is what it is meant to be, remaining peculiar to individual perception, only yielding to factors that influence it within a specific sphere, not exactly fitting a finite universal depiction.

So, dear reader, what defines culture for you? What unique perceptions influence the somewhat universal concept for you? Would you stick to the one-cap-fits-all? Or would you rather accept its true nature.. a conundrum.


BASIC PACKAGE ‘22/23 ACADEMIC SESSION: Hanging in the Balance… “As a realistic person, I pray it yields soon..” -Kehinde Joshua, AASA President ’22/23

By Motunrayo Oderinde.

On June 4, 2024, the president-elect of the Archaeology and Anthropology Student Association held a meeting with the Stakeholders committee on whatsapp, where various matters of discussion as it concerns the administration of the department, and students’ affairs were tabled in the meeting. Issues such as, the collection of the basic package for the 2022/2023 academic session- which took the larger portion of discourse, payment and breakdown of dues, and the creation of specialized groups and a departmental TV.

In pursuance of the issue of the collection of basic package, on June 9, 2024, the Press had separate virtual interviews with the former president, Kehinde Joshua, and the President-elect, Tochi John. The interview conducted at different hours helped to shed some light on the matter. Although, there were certain disparities in their responses, they both, however, gave some assurance to a certain extent.

During the Stakeholders meeting, the president-elect addressed the house and then directly addressed the package issue, stating that they- himself and the other executives, are still working on obtaining packages from the previous tenure. He clarified that, as the then General Secretary, he was not responsible for packages, but the President and Vice President were working on it. Prior to his interview with the press, he stated during the meeting with the stakeholders that getting the package was a 50/50 chance of success, but during his interview with the press, he mentioned that they were now making progress, which he gave a success rate of 7 out of 10.

During the Stakeholders meeting, the Chairman of the Committee- Honorable Solafunmi Alawusa, expressed annoyance, insisting that something concrete must be done about the packages, as students cannot continue to pay dues without receiving due benefits. She emphasized that, “This is unacceptable; something must be done about it!” Other committee members shared their anger and demanded that efficient action be taken on the matter. One member suggested that the president-elect involve the former president to resolve the issue, so as to ensure that his administration wouldn’t be faulted. The President-elect responded by expressing his concerns on how he has been painstakingly working with the former president on the issue.

He explained that one of the issues they are facing is getting funds for the package. He further explained this issue during the press interview, saying, “I will only know tomorrow after my meeting with the Liaison Officer- Mr. Akinsete, concerning getting access to the association’s account, as the only thing left now is getting funds for the package.” He commented on their inability to access the association’s account. When asked how he plans to ensure this matter is resolved adequately and not swept under the rug like the past two administrations, he replied, “I’m working on it to ensure every student gets their package once they resume. The 2022/2023 administration will surely deliver their package.” If this is true or just another false promise is yet to be known.

However, the interview with the former president took a new turn as he had his own opinion on the cause of the delay, which was not mentioned by the President-elect. The interview started with the press inquiring from the former president, the reason for the delay in students getting their package. In his words, “it is quite unfortunate that the distribution of packages has to be this long. But it should be noted that three major problems contributed to the delay.” He stressed that the student package was delayed because of “low turnout on the payment of basic dues, increase in price of commodity, and the inability to access the association’s account.”

He explained that the executives do not have access to the association’s account, which is in the care of the Liaison Officer. He also confirmed that they were currently working with the new administration, which has partial access to the account already. This statement corroborates the new President’s statement that all hands have been on deck concerning the issue.
On a final note, he stated that, “as a realistic person, I pray it yields soon…”

The interview ended with the press asking two rather sensitive questions. One, “what do you have to say concerning the rumour of your administration treasurer embezzling the association funds?” Two, “what will you do if you find out through the bank statement that student fees were tampered with?” In response, he stated that, “well, as we don’t have access to the account to know how much we have in total except the one in our records, I won’t like to comment on that. We only collected cash from the students at the onset of the administration, and after the freshers welcome, every other funds were being remitted to the account, which were later shifted through bank tranfer to the association’s account, and we have the documents of people that paid with the receipts to back it. As far as I and my executives are concerned, we do not have any record of recklessness with funds or embezzlement rather, what we have is a situation where, we had to reimburse funds even from our own pockets. On the second question, I prefer not to say anything concerning that…”

The disparities seem to outweigh the corroborative guarantee of a positive outcome, and it seems like the fate of the basic package being collected from the last administration hangs in the balance. Shall we continue to hold out hope and allow for the benefit of doubt, as it concerns the integrity of the Kehinde-led administration? Or shall we let bygones be just that, and anticipate what the Tochi-led administration has in store for the student body?


EDITORIAL: Heralding A New Beginning…

New beginnings, new seasons, new sessions all have something in common- a fresh start, and quite a number of them are happening simultaneously in these times.

For some, it is the initiation into a new ‘world’ order- in a manner of speaking, a world that seems to exist independent of preconceived ideas, perceptions of imbibed knowledge. For some, it is a chance to reach high again, a chance to dust their feet and take position to run again, a chance to make another effort to try better, harder again. And for some, it is the beginning of an exodus, inevitably written to come to pass.
However, just as the concept of culture is subject to relativism, so also is the concept of a ‘beginning’ relative to whom it may concern.

“The beginning is always Today..” -Mary Shelley

But perhaps Mary had an afterthought, but decided to leave it up for debate, as to how ‘Today’ is subject to individual relativism- as ‘Today’ is when and what you make it to be.
And on that note, AASA PRESS wishes you a Happy Resumption! However, ‘resumption’ like ‘today’, is what and when you make it to be. The question then is, when is your ‘Today’?

In Retrospect..

“Celebrate endings; for they precede new beginnings..” -Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Indeed nothing aids the mind’s ability to press forward with vigor more than reflecting and looking back upon what has been. As humans, culture and history and two major concepts that define us- as individuals, and members of a society.
History provides insight into who we are, who we have been, and where we are coming from. Yes, the beginning is always today, but yesterday still has a way on how today is viewed, accessed and faced. And so, in retrospect- as students, let us cast our minds back, take a small trip down memory lane, pick one or two things from history, and assess how it will help our ‘today’.
In the matters of experience, it may be unanimously agreed that it is in fact the best teacher, however, critical thinkers have negated the idea by stating that, it is only so for fools. And that the wise would learn from his/ her mistakes. As students, entering new sessions requires that we look upon where we are coming from, learn from the things that proved to be key boosters, and improve upon our identified weaknesses. In retrospect, what could you have done better? what did you do so well and can be ‘re-implemented’? what new things can you do?
And so, like our cumulative grade point average- being calculated from the very beginning, up until the current beginning, do an evaluation in retrospect, then look forward to the next..

Moving On..

“Though we may not have reached the heights we anticipated yesterday, today is a brand-new day to begin a new climb” -Chinonye J. Chidolue

Having done an evaluation in retrospect, it is time to reload and ‘refire’. Moving on, what’s going to be your new strategy? How are your plans to make the most of what yesterday had to offer to make today an upgrade? That schedule you employed for the last session, was it quite efficient, or will there be a need to tweak a few things? What new ideas would you be implementing to compliment what you already have?
There are diverse opportunities that ‘today’ presents us with, a variety of options to choose from. A chance to do things differently, a chance to refurbish, revamp or reinvent. ‘Today’ provides an avenue for forward growth, and a window of opportunity to do what could not been done or what could have been done.
And so, moving forward.. what’s the plan?

Dear reader, this editorial piece, was not just intended to stir your motivation receptors, but to help you understand the intricacies of all that makes for a new beginning. In the fever of resumption, appreciate the beauty of casting your mind back, acknowledge the need to restrategize for the present and look forward to what the new holds.

And so, the adventure begins…