
HEALTH – Basic Things to Know About HIV

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) destroys and impairs the function of the immune cells and gradually makes the infected individual become immunodeficient. When the virus is not properly treated it affects and kills CD4 cells and at the end leads to AIDS. Many people get scared when they are asked to conduct an HIV test maybe because of the fear of not being positive. Here are some facts about HIV ;

• Anybody can have HIV, it is not limited to any race nor is it limited to only adult. A baby can get HIV.

• More than 84 million people in the world have contracted HIV, over 40 million have died of AIDS. Over 30 percent of people living with HIV are from the Sub-Saharan Africa.

• You can have HIV and not know. Some people experience some symptoms such as fatigue, headache, sore throat, body pain while some people won’t experience any symptoms at all. This is the more reason you should carry out the HIV test as often as possible.

• You can’t get HIV from a closed mouth kiss or contact with an infected person’s body fluid nor can you get it from insect bites, hugging, sharing of toilet, sharing of cutleries.

• HIV can be contracted through sharing of contaminated sharp objects, unprotected sex with an infected person, transfusion of infected blood, etc.

HIV treatment can prevent the virus from replicating and by that reduces the viral load in the body. This gives the immune system a chance to recover so that it is strong enough to fight against infections and certain HIV related diseases.

• HIV does not have a cure for now but it can only be maintained through proper dissemination of treatment.

• Every HIV patient is equal to every other person on earth and not meant to be secluded from the society.


HEALTH NEWS – Healthcare during examinations

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Getting sick or overly stressed during exams can undermine your efforts. Staying healthy can also help you avoid serious problems caused by illness and this doesn’t just mean stronger academic performance. When you’re in the middle of an examination period, your whole attention is usually on studying. It is wrong to neglect yourself in the process. It could feel like a waste of time to take out some hours for yourself but this is very necessary. Here are some tips to help you manage your health during this period.

1. Eat well: Take out time to cook and not live on junks or noodles. Have a balanced diet meal. It could look like a lot taking out time to eat but your body will thank you for it. Cook in large quantities,eat,reheat and eat your food. It’s better than living on junks. It does not have to be a lot but try to make it as healthy as you can and if you really cannot cook, buy good food. Your mind becomes more alert when you’re full.

2. Stay calm and do not panic. Find a way around your stress. Read early and do not try to cover a lot of courses within a day to two. Start your preparations early. You could have exams everyday, could sometimes be two but still find time to relax. Do not compare yourself with your course mate and put yourself under unnecessary pressure. You can ask for help but do not feel intimidated by them.

3. Sleep: It is very important to get your sleep. It isn’t advisable to read all through the night and almost throughout the day. Your brain needs rest to function well.

4. Exercise: You do not have to hit the gym before you exercise. This could be a walk around your hostel. It can help to take your mind off your exams for a minutes and help you get stronger.

5. Socialize: This does not necessarily mean go to party or have sleepovers. Take an hour or two off your studying and spend them preferably with people not having exams. It could distract you a bit and help renew your mind.

6. Listen to your body: There’s so much your body can take before it breaks down. To avoid cases of collapsing in the exam hall,listen your body. If you have any discomfort whatsoever, visit the clinic and complain. It saves.

Above all,maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body. Taking care of your health is also very important for your self-esteem and self-image.


Drinking Water, A Necessity

It is note worthy to know that our body is made up 70% of water. And in most of our daily activities we loose water from our body through so many channels like sweating, urinating etc. The importance of water to the human body can not be over emphasized. It was created first in order
to sustain human that would inhabit the earth. Drinking enough water does so many good thing to the body but to mention a few are;



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Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas can no longer produce insulin, or when the body does not make use of the insulin it produces. Diabetes affects how your body uses food (glucose) to make energy. Diabetes, if not taken care of can result to serious health problems
such as heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, amputations, and even death.
This disease affects more than 300 million people worldwide. Unfortunately, one out of every ten adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes. That means that 1 in 10 adults will develop type 2 diabetes during their lifetime. Diabetes can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle changes such as eating right, being physically active, maintaining a normal weight, quitting smoking and controlling blood pressure.



They say happiness will find you
But what happens if grief finds you first?
I know life promised you roses
But what if you get pierced by its thorns
What happens when life pushes us to the edge?
Do we call it quits?


5 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health.

Just as physical fitness help us stay strong, mental fitness also helps achieve a state of good mental health. Evidence suggests there are ways you can improve your mental health and well-being. Trying these things can help boost your mood and feel more positive.



It’s that time of the year when the atmosphere is all dry and hot, and adequate intake of water in highly necessary. The weather is mostly on 30°Celsius on a spike, increases to 33/34°Celsius. During seasons like this, the body tends to lose more liquid than normal due to the dry atmosphere.



As school resumes, it is essential that precautions are adhered to to prevent the spread of the corona virus. As student, knowing these guidelines will not only protect you but, also other students. Understanding COVID-19, how it spreads and how we can protect ourselves and others is an important step in fighting the deadly virus.
Do well to use information about COVID-19 from reliable sources, as well as health authorities in the country.