Entertainment and Lifestyle

FASHION: Something About The Old Saying…

By Adeniyi David omololu.

Transitioning from secondary school into higher institution is always a great and amazing experience for students. This transition comes with diverse opportunities, leaving the students with a lot to tap into, garner from, and eventually characterize their university experience.

The thrill and joy that comes with getting admitted into a university of one’s own choice, especially when that choice is the first and the best university in Nigeria, can indeed be overwhelming. And upon admission, usually what comes into a student’s mind is “Freedom!”. The freedom to leave the protective wings of our parents, and begin to live a semi-independent life. Freedom from house chores, freedom to connect to other students from different background and as a juicy incentive, the freedom of dressing.

As university students, we are now no longer subjected to wearing uniforms like we did in our secondary school days, we are now treated like adults, like we have always dreamt of. This stage also serves as the time where most of us find what will eventually become our fashion sense/style. We begin to filter what we would like to be attributed with fashion statement as it concerns us. Presently, some freshers are probably in a state of dilemma as it concerns their mode of the dressing, trying to fit into what is acceptable on campus, while also trying to be comfortable and presentable. Some are as well busy killing us with all the ‘steeze’ ideas and contents they have fantasized about or probably have developed from their respective spheres, hence chaos on campus.

Dear freshers, do remember that something about the old saying, “the way you dress is how you will be addressed”, still rings true till today. It is therefore imperative that you do not take this freedom for granted, misusing the free reins you have been given to shape your life. Dear ladies, beauty lies not in those thighs alone, and my able men, it is time to cultivate that decency and project responsibility through your appearance, remember you have left home. Welcome to the department of History and Culture, where modesty as a tenet of culture will be explored, and so, there’s therefore the need to act accordingly.

How you dress is who you are. That old saying says quite a lot about Identity, this dress according to how you would like to be identified, or according to what you would like to be identified with. And as it concerns first impressions, dear fresher, how you dress goes a long way. Infact, how you dress as a fresher determines the kind of company you are likely to attract.
As a fresher, if you are in a state of dilemma on how to dress acceptably on campus, my advice? Make it simple and elegant. Dear ladies, there is a certain beauty that comes with simplicity, my able men, remember to rock your simple fits with confidence and a sense of responsibility and you’re good to go.

Again, welcome to the University of your choice. Cheers to Success.



Waist beads are a traditional African accessory that consist of small glass beads on a string or wire worn around the waist or hips. They come in different colors and shapes and may also include decorative stones, crystals, or charms. Over the years, many women deviated from the use of waist beads to other fashion trends. In recent years, waist beads has seem to gain more popularity in the fashion industry.



In recent years, there have been an increase in the amount of women going back to their natural hair from palmed hair. It’s no news that hair has always been a part of our identify. It has always been bigger than just getting the doing for doing sake, but more of a requirement for our appearance.