
EDITORIAL: A Warm Welcome to the Freshers.

The reputation ‘First and the Best’ is one that precedes the University of Ibadan, embodying an excellence that goes beyond ephemeral things to the true nature- infact, an indisputable one, of the University. It’s not just a title, it’s a culture- ‘If it is from unibadan, it can only be the Best’.

As the very first of its kind in the history of education in Nigeria, the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Ibadan, holds the honor of heralding the onset of cultural and historical research, anthropological and archaeological studies cutting across two main faculties-the Arts and the Sciences, essentially encompassing the need to preserve the past as a vital link to the present and even the nearest and/or farthest future. A research unit pioneered by a renowned name, training inaugural students who indeed set the pace for those after them to move with, where we, being the ‘those’, are now here counted worthy to leave our mark in the documentations of history.

And so, Dear Freshers, welcome…

On Thursday, June 20, 2024, the executives of the Archaeology and Anthropology Student Association organized an orientation meeting for the fresh students of the Department. This was done according to the rituals of resumption reserved for fresh students across all departments, faculties, and association bodies on campus. The orientation was graced by the presence of stakeholders in the association, representing both faculties- Arts and Science. Key stakeholders, such as; Chairman, AASA Stakeholders Committee- Miss. Solafunmi Alawusa; President, FASSA- Honorable Emmanuel Oniyide; Deputy Speaker, FSRC- Honorable Aremo David; Deputy Speaker, AFAS FLC- Honorable Busayo Ogunsemore; Sports Director, Kenneth Mellanby Hall- Mr. Jibril Oladejo; Chairman AAIEC- Honorable Daniel; Editor-in-chief, AASA PRESS- Miss. Ayooluwa Ekundare; President, AASCF & FACA- Mr. Peter Alonge, etc.

The orientation convened by the executives- Mr. Tochi John, President AASA; Miss. Kofoworola Adegboyega, Vice President AASA; Mr. Emmanuel Ilemobayo, General Secretary AASA, was one convened with the intention that the fresh students are welcomed into the department as courtesy demands, giving them a glimpse into what lies in stock for them. In a manner of welcome, the freshers were addressed by some of these key stakeholders, who according to their experience, were able to give salient points of advice, as it concerns the peculiarities of the department.

The orientation was also graced by the presence of the Head of Department, Professor Aderemi S. Ajala, who further addressed the students on the uniqueness of the department, the peculiarities of the course of study, the multifaceted nature of the disciplines, benefits that are affiliated to the disciplines, and the best disposition for the guarantee of a successful academic pursuit as it concerns the disciplines. He also went down memory lane, speaking of his time as a student in the department in its early days, and how that foundation has now afforded him a wealth of opportunities- tapped and untapped.

Although, it is in fulfillment of perfunctory duties, the orientation is believed to have struck the right chords, thus producing the expected results- extending a warm welcome. Therefore, this editorial piece seeks to make a toast to the wonderful experience that has begun for the fresh students of this pioneer department, wishing them the very best of all things success and fulfilment. Cheers.