
HEALTH NEWS – Healthcare during examinations

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Getting sick or overly stressed during exams can undermine your efforts. Staying healthy can also help you avoid serious problems caused by illness and this doesn’t just mean stronger academic performance. When you’re in the middle of an examination period, your whole attention is usually on studying. It is wrong to neglect yourself in the process. It could feel like a waste of time to take out some hours for yourself but this is very necessary. Here are some tips to help you manage your health during this period.

1. Eat well: Take out time to cook and not live on junks or noodles. Have a balanced diet meal. It could look like a lot taking out time to eat but your body will thank you for it. Cook in large quantities,eat,reheat and eat your food. It’s better than living on junks. It does not have to be a lot but try to make it as healthy as you can and if you really cannot cook, buy good food. Your mind becomes more alert when you’re full.

2. Stay calm and do not panic. Find a way around your stress. Read early and do not try to cover a lot of courses within a day to two. Start your preparations early. You could have exams everyday, could sometimes be two but still find time to relax. Do not compare yourself with your course mate and put yourself under unnecessary pressure. You can ask for help but do not feel intimidated by them.

3. Sleep: It is very important to get your sleep. It isn’t advisable to read all through the night and almost throughout the day. Your brain needs rest to function well.

4. Exercise: You do not have to hit the gym before you exercise. This could be a walk around your hostel. It can help to take your mind off your exams for a minutes and help you get stronger.

5. Socialize: This does not necessarily mean go to party or have sleepovers. Take an hour or two off your studying and spend them preferably with people not having exams. It could distract you a bit and help renew your mind.

6. Listen to your body: There’s so much your body can take before it breaks down. To avoid cases of collapsing in the exam hall,listen your body. If you have any discomfort whatsoever, visit the clinic and complain. It saves.

Above all,maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body. Taking care of your health is also very important for your self-esteem and self-image.


ENTERTAINMENT NEWS – Reasons why many Nigerian celebrity marriages fail

In recent years, Nigeria has seen a rise in celebrity marriages, with many high-profile couples tying the knot in lavish and highly publicized ceremonies. However, despite the glamor and fanfare surrounding these unions, many of them have ended in divorce or separation.

One of the main reasons for the high rate of failure in Nigerian celebrity marriages is the lack of preparation and understanding of what it takes to make a marriage work. Many celebrities enter into marriage without fully understanding the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with it. As a result, they may not be emotionally or financially ready for the challenges of married life.

Another reason for the failure of celebrity marriages in Nigeria is the pressure and demands of fame. Being in the public eye can put a strain on any relationship, and for celebrities, the constant media scrutiny and pressure to maintain a certain image can be overwhelming. This can lead to infidelity, communication breakdown, and ultimately, the end of a marriage.

In addition, the financial success and material wealth that come with celebrity status can also contribute to the failure of a marriage. When one partner is significantly wealthier than the other, it can create imbalances in the relationship which tends to lead to feelings of resentment and jealousy.

We cannot but also mention the high-flying lifestyle of many Nigerian celebrities. This ultimately can also contribute to the failure of their marriages. The temptation of money, power, and success can lead some celebrities to indulge in excessive partying, substance abuse, and other destructive behaviours, which can put a strain on their relationships and lead to irreparable damage.

Furthermore, the demands of celebrity careers can also be a factor in the failure of marriages. The hectic schedules, long hours, and constant travel required by many celebrity careers can take a toll on a relationship and create distance and lack of communication between spouses.

Overall, while there are many reasons why Nigerian celebrity marriages fail, the common thread is a lack of understanding, preparation, and commitment to making the marriage work. Of course, no marriage is perfect and there are multiple factors at play in any divorce. But for many Nigerian celebrities, the unique challenge of fame and fortune can be a recipe for relationship disaster. It’s important for both partners to be aware of these challenges and work together to overcome them in order to have a successful and lasting marriage.



“Am I in control of my life?”

“What direction is my life heading towards?”

“Why do I feel that I lack the clarity to choose which way to go in life?”

In all honesty, life gets to a point and we stop to ask ourselves these questions, especially at beginning of each year where we make resolutions and create vision boards. Being in the Driver’s Seat is having autonomy over your life. Having clarity, direction and you making decisions for yourself, not having others make decisions for you.

If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that life is always going to… life, so it’s important to realise that deviations from your perfect plan are not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it is a necessary part of the journey to make us slow down and rest or reconsider the direction we want to go in. When driving in your car, sometimes you have to slow down a little bit, because a bump is ahead, but do you stop driving? No – It’s the same with life. It comes with its troubles and uncertainties, which can make us lose focus and even make us question the clarity we thought we had on what to do next with our lives. However, it is just for a phase and it is time we got our focus back! We need to be clear on where exactly we want our lives to head towards and also work out what we need to do to get there.

Clarity helps a great deal with direction. Clarity makes the blurriness go away so you can clearly see what is in front of you. Without clarity, we can find ourselves going through the motions, feeling unfulfilled and following the herd without having a meaningful destination.

So ask yourself, “How much clarity do I have on what I want to do and where I want to be?” We do not have all the answers to life questions and it is for this reason that it is essential that we know how to reach out to people who have once been in the state of confusion and indecisiveness that you currently find yourself in. It is okay to draw strength from other people as long as at the end of the day you learn to take control of your life. Get in the driver’s seat of your life and keep moving till you get to the destination you so truly desire.



The Archaeology and Anthropology Independent Electoral Committee of the department has lifted the Ban on election activities in the department. In a statement issued on Friday 13th of January released by the committee this marks the beginning of election campaigns and form purchase for various positions in the department. The announcement reads thus; “Dear AASAITES The electoral committee has lifted the ban placed on the elections for the 2022/2023 academic session. However, there are going to be a few adjustments in the plans for the election this session. The election timetable will be released soon but in the meantime forms for all positions are now available for sale. Good luck to all aspirants” The committee urges AASAITES to take part in this session’s elections as the leadership of the student organization concerns all students.



“Age is irrelevant in grief; at issue is not how old he was but how loved.”

-Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Notes on Grief.

Dear Iyanu, I miss you. Thank you for leaving all things organised and ready. All I needed to do was just come in to fill the spot. Now I understand just how much dedication and commitment is needed to lead a group of people. Thank you for being patient with us, thank you for being so kind and having a good heart. These days, I worry on if I would a good job like you did but I am choosing to do my best and it give it my all, just like you did. Sleep well Iyanu. – Stella


Workers’ Group Asks Nigerian University Lecturers, ASUU To Declare Nationwide Protest, Strike Over Half Salaries

A civic group, the Workers and Youths Solidarity Network (WYSN) says it stands in solidarity with the members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) over the payment for just 18 days as the October 2022 salaries by the Nigerian government.

Damilola Owot, secretary of the group in a statement on Wednesday also condemned the government for refusing to pay ASUU its backlog of salaries.

It called on lecturers to organise a mass protest and strike action over the government’s action.

The statement read, “The WYSN calls on ASUU and the trade unions to join forces and declare mass mobilizations and strike actions. We need to create a common front for all those who suffer under the current system. We need to build a mass workers political alternative because as things stand the ruling class will continue to exploit and repress any resistance. If the government is allowed to get away with this attack on ASUU, this will affect all other workers in every sector of the economy. What we need now more than ever is unity of working class against the anti-poor policies and attacks.”

Source: Sahara Reporters


Movie review: THE WOMAN KING is a must watch…Yay or Nah

You might just be missing out if you are yet to watch “the woman king” I mean, let’s talk about the acting, top-notch, all characters delivered their role exceptionally well.

 Let’s not forget that they didn’t make use of stunt men/women, the singing and dancing (arggghhh beautiful). Viola Davis who took on the role of Nanisca the commander of the Agojie warriors embodied the role and I do not think there’s another who could have done better. Jimmy Odukoya a Nigerian actor who played the general from Oyo empire also did well but honestly, he could have done better “didn’t really give the Oyo kind of energy “but the effort didn’t go unnoticed.

Now to the Storyline…

 The woman king tells the story of a group of female warriors who protect the Dahomey kingdom with skills and fierceness, unlike anything the world has seen. However, they are faced with new threats from the Oyo empire and Europeans. It has a beautiful storyline not too complicated and not too basic just the perfect amount of spice needed. It showed women in their era, women in power and just how much they can achieve together.

The woman king is said to be inspired by true events and has caused controversy about how it is not very accurate with its storyline. It is been criticized for its inaccuracies about how the Dahomey kingdom was involved in the slave trade and how it worshipped and glorified enslavers.

I, however, believe that the storyline was well constructed and might not be as detailed as its history but had enough to show the history. I’ve seen people tweet about how they do not like their accent lot of critique and also lots of approval and admiration.

As to answer the question to know if it’s worth the watch, I say give it a try yourself! Who knows, you just might like it…or not.


Excelling In Your Academic Life

Student life is hard to define. Is it lazing around on campus lawns with friends? Living on a certain budget? Rushing to do assignments a night before its due day? Attending night parties? Campaigning for an executive post in the school at whatever level? Spending some hours or the whole day in the library? Or is it,


President Buhari holds second security meeting within four days.

The president summons yet another crucial meeting of the National Security Council; as he continues to seek for solutions to the security challenge of the nation.



On Tuesday 27th of April 2021 singer J Martins appealed to the former president of Nigeria
Goodluck to forgive all who betrayed him during his tenure following the recent happenings in
the nation.


World Bipolar Day 30th March: Facts and Myths about Bipolar Disorder.

My psychologist friend status inspired this article to commemorate World Bipolar Disorder Day. Thanks to her, I got to know about it and even write about it too. She used two pictures of herself to illustrate being bipolar. Seeing her post, and realizing that the theme for this week for Archaeology and Anthropology Students Association (AASA) press was on mental health and being a mental health enthusiast, I thought why not write about Bipolar disorder, remember, we are inspired by what we see. So what then is bipolar disorder?

Health Uncategorized


What is Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is a form of cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts. Breast cancer is a malignant disease that affects both breasts in male and Female. After skin cancer and cervical cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women. Breast cancer can occur in both men and women, but it’s far more common in women. Breast cancer occurs when some breast cells begin to grow abnormally.