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As a result of the increase in prices of transportation due to fuel scarcity, AASA press this week asked students how the scarcity has affected their movement, what their experience has been like and how they have been able to navigate movement in the school because of this problem, some students shared their experiences and here are some of the responses

Dayo 200 level

Yesss it has greatly affected my movement in school, I went late to class twice this week but luckily the lecturer had not entered. There was a day I went to eat at kuti and I had to walk all the way to gate just to get keke to cmf, because there was no keke at that kuti side after waiting for over 15 minutes. I walked to class like 3 times last week for my morning classes.


Yes !The fuel scarcity is really annoying the price of the transport is high imagine spending 700 from ojoo to Ui to and fro. So many things are expensive including transport ,How do we cope especially student. Most of the keke doesn’t have fuel so there also scarcity of keke within the school.

Segilade 400 level

Normally since I stay inside school, You’d think the price of transportation will not affect me because obviously they think people that stay inside school walk everywhere they go but no I don’t. I take keke but it has been really stressful trying to find keke because they have become very scarce, I can be infront of my hostel looking for keke for a long time , because of that I have been late to class multiple times. Also when I am in a hurry I want to get to where I am going as soon as possible, if I am at gate and I see a very long keke queue I do not want to stay for long so I eneter drop instead and I paid 300 to get to my department just because of fuel scarcity.


I understand that there is fuel scarcity, but I still think it’s unfair that prices of keke Increased especially for us that stay far from school area, keke men are always trying to extort us and frankly I don’t think it’s the fuel scarcity alone. The fuel scarcity not only affected the price but keke became very scarce last week after church, the line at the gate was very very long and little to no keke was in ground. I stood there for like 40mins and I .not even exaggerating it was very fustruating and annoying cause I just wanted to get to my hostel. The experience has been terrible and I really hope it gate better because it is really bad at the moment


HEALTH – Basic Things to Know About HIV

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) destroys and impairs the function of the immune cells and gradually makes the infected individual become immunodeficient. When the virus is not properly treated it affects and kills CD4 cells and at the end leads to AIDS. Many people get scared when they are asked to conduct an HIV test maybe because of the fear of not being positive. Here are some facts about HIV ;

• Anybody can have HIV, it is not limited to any race nor is it limited to only adult. A baby can get HIV.

• More than 84 million people in the world have contracted HIV, over 40 million have died of AIDS. Over 30 percent of people living with HIV are from the Sub-Saharan Africa.

• You can have HIV and not know. Some people experience some symptoms such as fatigue, headache, sore throat, body pain while some people won’t experience any symptoms at all. This is the more reason you should carry out the HIV test as often as possible.

• You can’t get HIV from a closed mouth kiss or contact with an infected person’s body fluid nor can you get it from insect bites, hugging, sharing of toilet, sharing of cutleries.

• HIV can be contracted through sharing of contaminated sharp objects, unprotected sex with an infected person, transfusion of infected blood, etc.

HIV treatment can prevent the virus from replicating and by that reduces the viral load in the body. This gives the immune system a chance to recover so that it is strong enough to fight against infections and certain HIV related diseases.

• HIV does not have a cure for now but it can only be maintained through proper dissemination of treatment.

• Every HIV patient is equal to every other person on earth and not meant to be secluded from the society.


EDITORIAL – Why positivity is a must-have

“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.” – Donald Trump

Positivity, one essential component that we as humans must always strive to get in life because we are all human beings and sometimes we need to see reasons to be positive even when times are tough. Positivity is also important for business as well as personal reasons. If you want to succeed in any field of life then you should always keep positive thoughts in mind. It is equally important that as students, we should learn how to control our emotions and think positively.

It is common knowledge that people who are negative tend to get depressed more often than those who are positive. This is true even if they don’t show their negativity outwardly. They may seem like they are having fun but inside they feel sad or angry.

Positive thinking has been proven time and again to help us achieve success in everything we do. Whether it’s passing a course in school, landing a job, starting a new relationship, or finding a cure for cancer, positivity helps us accomplish anything we set out to do. But why? What makes positive thinking so powerful? And how can we use it to improve our lives?

The first step towards becoming a positive thinker is to understand what being positive really means. As students, we spend most of our time studying and working hard. Sometimes we fail miserably and sometimes we pass with flying colours. In both cases, we work hard to achieve a goal. However, when we fail, we tend to blame ourselves for our failure. On the other hand, when we pass, we tend to pat ourselves on the back for achieving such an amazing feat. The problem with this mindset is that it leads to self-doubt and pessimism.

When we blame ourselves for failing, we end up feeling guilty and worthless. This causes us to lose confidence in ourselves and eventually lead to depression. In order to be positive, you need to believe in yourself and your abilities. Positive thinkers know that they can make changes in their lives and that they deserve to be happy. They realize that they have the power to create the life they want.

The second step towards becoming a positive person is to identify your strengths. “The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.” – Roy T. Bennett. A positive thinker knows his or her own strengths and weaknesses. He or she realizes that he or she can overcome most obstacles with hard work and determination. By identifying your strengths, you can begin to build confidence. Once you have confidence, you can move onto the next step – learning how to manage your emotions.

The third step towards becoming a positive individual is to take responsibility for your actions. A positive thinker understands that he or she is responsible for creating his or her own destiny. He or she takes full ownership of his or her decisions and actions. This allows him or her to accept criticism and failures gracefully.

The fourth step towards becoming a positive personality is to develop an optimistic outlook. A positive thinker believes that every situation has a solution. He or she looks for opportunities rather than problems. He or she focuses on the future rather than dwelling on the past.

The fifth and final step towards becoming a positive attitude is to practice gratitude. A positive thinker recognizes that he or she has much to be grateful for. He or she appreciates the little things in life such as family, friends, and nature. In conclusion, being positive doesn’t mean that you should ignore your problems. Being positive does not mean that you should pretend nothing is wrong. What being positive means is that you should learn to see the bright side of things, and as students, this is especially important. We all face challenges in our lives. However, when you learn to think positively, you’ll be able to deal with these challenges better.

– David Oyelakin

National News News


CONUA voiced its displeasure with the Federal Government, particularly the Ministry of Labour and Employment under the leadership of Dr. Chris Ngige, over the salaries that had been withheld “even when the government knew that the union did not call for strike action and its members were not involved in the strike action that lasted for eight months and which shut down the university system nationwide.”

Dr. Niyi Sunmonu, Dr. Henry Oripeloye, and Dr. Ernest Nwoke, who are the organization’s national president, secretary, and publicity secretary, respectively, signed a statement in which CONUA called out the government for amalgamating it members with members of Asuu who went on the 8-month strike action.

“CONUA formally informed the Federal Government of its non-participation in the strike in a letter written to the Minister of Labor and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige, in April 2022. We made it clear in the letter that because CONUA was a distinct and independent union inside the university system, none of our members had requested a strike. CONUA anticipates that the government will effortlessly release our members’ unpaid wages when it starts paying salaries to all university workers again in October 2022 as a result of the express and categorical declaration.

“To our surprise, however, CONUA members were also given pro-rata salaries despite the fact that the strike had effectively prevented us from performing our tasks. The union observed that after the pro-rata payment “We wrote to the Ministry of Labour and Employment and the Accountant-General of the Federation to tell them that it was wrong to include our members with those who had declared and started a strike.

According to the union, “from the aforementioned and as a law-abiding union that committed to do things differently, we have resolved to seek legal redress of the illegal withholding of our legitimate salary by taking the matter to court in consonance with the rights established in our laws.”

National News


The Central Bank OF Nigeria (CBN) announced the restriction of over-the-counter and ATM Cash withdrawals to #100,000 for individuals and #500,000 for Corporate Organizations respectively, which will become effective on January 9, 2023. This implies that an average Nigerian is limited to the maximum withdrawal of #20,000 per day which sum up to #100,000 naira, a week.

This new development was conveyed yesterday in a circular signed by the Director Banking Supervision Department OF CBN, Mr Haruna Mustafa, to all deposit money banks (DMB) and other financial institutions (OFIs). The Circular stated that “Third-party Chequers above #50,000 shall not be eligible for payment over the counter while the existing limit on #10,000,000 still remain. The CBN also directed the DMB and OFIs to only load this ATM with denominations not higher than #200.

Although, the CBN made provision for individuals to withdraw 5m and corporate organizations to withdraw 10m, once in a month based on certain requirements, the Mobile Money Agents are still not pleased with the announcement made by the ‘top-bank’. Following the declarative of the Central Bank of Nigeria, the President of the Mobile Money and Bank Agents in Nigeria raised his uttermost displeasure towards the new policy set to be enacted by the CBN.

The Association is of the strong opinion that this new policy ‘does not hold enough water’ and protested that the new development will dampen business for mobile banking agents. The President of the AMMBA, Mr. Olojo Victor said that the newly announced policy would negatively affect their business and as it would lead to the shutting down of Mobile Money Operations in Nigeria also known as Pos Terminals. He also stressed out how this new policy would be really tough for an average Nigerian due to the fact that Nigeria is still a Cash-dominant Society.

Source: Vanguard News



Its almost that time of the year where almost everyone would begin to have a review of the resolutions they wrote at the beginning of the year. Looking back to all the material and immaterial things that they have been able to acquire from the beginning of the year till this present moment. While social media platforms like, twitter and LinkedIn is bound to be full of achievements, there is no doubt that in some ways many people would bear the feelings of intimidation and the feeling that they had not done enough this year. But if there’s something we humans have often time failed to see, is that many times, how well you did in the year should not be measured solely by grand happenings. Big wins? Small wins? A win is still a win.

With all that has happened this year, there is so much to be thankful for no matter how little they may seem. You planned on visiting the therapist or finally talk to somebody about how you have been feeling and you did? It’s a win! You got a scholarship to assist you through school? It’s a win! You made a goal to read number of books this year and you read at least half or even a quarter of the books you listed out? It’s a win! You got to spend more time with your family than previous years or you even learnt the act of forgiveness regardless of the wrongness you’ve experienced from people? They are also wins!

In all of this, it is important we learn to be grateful for our little joys that do not seem important because in actuality, they contribute to our growth in becoming better persons. Your little joys may seem little, but more than we know they are bigger than you imagine! And in the space of feeling and thinking of all the things you didn’t get or all the things you were not able to achieve this year, have you taken a moment to think of all the things you did?

In a moment of self reflection we ask, “What are you most grateful for this year?” Look back at your little joys!

National News


The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has vowed to sanction commercial banks still dispensing old Naira notes ahead of the Jan. 31 deadline for the cessation of the currencies as legal tender. The Governor of CBN stated this on Thursday during a sensitisation campaign on the redesigned Naira notes at Alamis Market in Lafia, Nasarawa State.

Represented by Mr Atiku Mohammed-Nasir, CBN’s Director of Security Service, Emefiele urged the traders and residents of the state to embrace the redesigned notes for their transactions.

They were reminded that the old N200, N500 and N1,000 notes would cease to be legal tender on Jan. 31, hence all in possession of the old note should take them to the banks.

“Henceforth, When you go to any commercial bank and you are issued the old N200, N500 and N1,000 do not collect because they would become useless as from Jan. 31. We will henceforth sanction any bank found guilty of dispensing the old Naira notes at ATMs or over the counters to customers. The CBN has supplied adequate new Naira notes to the various commercial banks. If any bank issues you old Naira notes, report such banks to the CBN for appropriate action,” he said.

The CBN governor insisted that there would be no extension of the Jan. 31 deadline for the termination of the old notes despite appeals for an extension by the traders. He, therefore, urged traders to make haste and change their monies before the deadline. Emefiele encouraged traders and other residents to embrace e-banking for their transactions, saying the policy would go a long way to address insecurity and improve the nation’s economy.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the CBN team also visited some commercial banks in Lafia to ascertain the level of compliance to its directive on the dispensing of new Naira notes through the Automated Teller Machines (ATM).

National News


As the election tension continues to rise as the presidential election date of 2023 approaches, the Lagos state government in order to encourage public servants to get their permanent voter’s cards, has declared four workfree days for its workers to collect their Permanent Voters Cards at their respective Local Government/Local Council Development Areas. This announcement was made on Wednesday, January 18, 2022, by Hakeem Muri-Okunola, the state’s Head of Service. He said the work-free period would commence on Tuesday, January 24, and end on Friday, January 27, 2023, for different grade levels of workers in the public service.

“Consequent upon the extension of the collection of Permanent Voters’ Cards by the Independent National Electoral Commission, it is hereby notified for the general information that all public servants who are yet to collect their Permanent Voters’ Cards from designated INEC Centers are encouraged to do so before Sunday, January 29, 2023, as it is a civic responsibility to vote. “To this end, Mr Governor has graciously approved a work-free day to enable public servants to collect their PVCs from their respective local government/local council development areas as presented in the table below,” he said. source : Pulse news


HEALTH NEWS – Healthcare during examinations

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Getting sick or overly stressed during exams can undermine your efforts. Staying healthy can also help you avoid serious problems caused by illness and this doesn’t just mean stronger academic performance. When you’re in the middle of an examination period, your whole attention is usually on studying. It is wrong to neglect yourself in the process. It could feel like a waste of time to take out some hours for yourself but this is very necessary. Here are some tips to help you manage your health during this period.

1. Eat well: Take out time to cook and not live on junks or noodles. Have a balanced diet meal. It could look like a lot taking out time to eat but your body will thank you for it. Cook in large quantities,eat,reheat and eat your food. It’s better than living on junks. It does not have to be a lot but try to make it as healthy as you can and if you really cannot cook, buy good food. Your mind becomes more alert when you’re full.

2. Stay calm and do not panic. Find a way around your stress. Read early and do not try to cover a lot of courses within a day to two. Start your preparations early. You could have exams everyday, could sometimes be two but still find time to relax. Do not compare yourself with your course mate and put yourself under unnecessary pressure. You can ask for help but do not feel intimidated by them.

3. Sleep: It is very important to get your sleep. It isn’t advisable to read all through the night and almost throughout the day. Your brain needs rest to function well.

4. Exercise: You do not have to hit the gym before you exercise. This could be a walk around your hostel. It can help to take your mind off your exams for a minutes and help you get stronger.

5. Socialize: This does not necessarily mean go to party or have sleepovers. Take an hour or two off your studying and spend them preferably with people not having exams. It could distract you a bit and help renew your mind.

6. Listen to your body: There’s so much your body can take before it breaks down. To avoid cases of collapsing in the exam hall,listen your body. If you have any discomfort whatsoever, visit the clinic and complain. It saves.

Above all,maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body. Taking care of your health is also very important for your self-esteem and self-image.


ENTERTAINMENT NEWS – Reasons why many Nigerian celebrity marriages fail

In recent years, Nigeria has seen a rise in celebrity marriages, with many high-profile couples tying the knot in lavish and highly publicized ceremonies. However, despite the glamor and fanfare surrounding these unions, many of them have ended in divorce or separation.

One of the main reasons for the high rate of failure in Nigerian celebrity marriages is the lack of preparation and understanding of what it takes to make a marriage work. Many celebrities enter into marriage without fully understanding the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with it. As a result, they may not be emotionally or financially ready for the challenges of married life.

Another reason for the failure of celebrity marriages in Nigeria is the pressure and demands of fame. Being in the public eye can put a strain on any relationship, and for celebrities, the constant media scrutiny and pressure to maintain a certain image can be overwhelming. This can lead to infidelity, communication breakdown, and ultimately, the end of a marriage.

In addition, the financial success and material wealth that come with celebrity status can also contribute to the failure of a marriage. When one partner is significantly wealthier than the other, it can create imbalances in the relationship which tends to lead to feelings of resentment and jealousy.

We cannot but also mention the high-flying lifestyle of many Nigerian celebrities. This ultimately can also contribute to the failure of their marriages. The temptation of money, power, and success can lead some celebrities to indulge in excessive partying, substance abuse, and other destructive behaviours, which can put a strain on their relationships and lead to irreparable damage.

Furthermore, the demands of celebrity careers can also be a factor in the failure of marriages. The hectic schedules, long hours, and constant travel required by many celebrity careers can take a toll on a relationship and create distance and lack of communication between spouses.

Overall, while there are many reasons why Nigerian celebrity marriages fail, the common thread is a lack of understanding, preparation, and commitment to making the marriage work. Of course, no marriage is perfect and there are multiple factors at play in any divorce. But for many Nigerian celebrities, the unique challenge of fame and fortune can be a recipe for relationship disaster. It’s important for both partners to be aware of these challenges and work together to overcome them in order to have a successful and lasting marriage.



“Am I in control of my life?”

“What direction is my life heading towards?”

“Why do I feel that I lack the clarity to choose which way to go in life?”

In all honesty, life gets to a point and we stop to ask ourselves these questions, especially at beginning of each year where we make resolutions and create vision boards. Being in the Driver’s Seat is having autonomy over your life. Having clarity, direction and you making decisions for yourself, not having others make decisions for you.

If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that life is always going to… life, so it’s important to realise that deviations from your perfect plan are not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it is a necessary part of the journey to make us slow down and rest or reconsider the direction we want to go in. When driving in your car, sometimes you have to slow down a little bit, because a bump is ahead, but do you stop driving? No – It’s the same with life. It comes with its troubles and uncertainties, which can make us lose focus and even make us question the clarity we thought we had on what to do next with our lives. However, it is just for a phase and it is time we got our focus back! We need to be clear on where exactly we want our lives to head towards and also work out what we need to do to get there.

Clarity helps a great deal with direction. Clarity makes the blurriness go away so you can clearly see what is in front of you. Without clarity, we can find ourselves going through the motions, feeling unfulfilled and following the herd without having a meaningful destination.

So ask yourself, “How much clarity do I have on what I want to do and where I want to be?” We do not have all the answers to life questions and it is for this reason that it is essential that we know how to reach out to people who have once been in the state of confusion and indecisiveness that you currently find yourself in. It is okay to draw strength from other people as long as at the end of the day you learn to take control of your life. Get in the driver’s seat of your life and keep moving till you get to the destination you so truly desire.



The Archaeology and Anthropology Independent Electoral Committee of the department has lifted the Ban on election activities in the department. In a statement issued on Friday 13th of January released by the committee this marks the beginning of election campaigns and form purchase for various positions in the department. The announcement reads thus; “Dear AASAITES The electoral committee has lifted the ban placed on the elections for the 2022/2023 academic session. However, there are going to be a few adjustments in the plans for the election this session. The election timetable will be released soon but in the meantime forms for all positions are now available for sale. Good luck to all aspirants” The committee urges AASAITES to take part in this session’s elections as the leadership of the student organization concerns all students.


5 Fashion Items Every Uite should have in their closet

The Fashion Community of the University of Ibadan is Popular for its versatility and uniqueness. The simplicity of Uites fashion sense is one of the ways that makes the fashion in UI stand out. This Fashion ‘Wokeness’does not leave out any faculty or department in UI, even the so called “rigid” faculties/departments have a way of infiltrating a unique fashion style into their corporate wears.

Here are 5 items you should own as a student of University of Ibadan:
1) Crocs:

These pair of footwear have been trending since ‘forever’ in the University of Ibadan. It is believed that Uites has been infected with the ‘Crocs- Virus’. Almost everyone in Ui own at least a pair. Although, there is no definite reason for Crocs popularity among Uites but it is easy to tilt towards the idea that they are popular because they are very comfortable and very durable. However, students in UI have taken the Crocs game to the next level , as various colors of Crocs are easily identified within the campus – Uites have figured out a way of rocking this comfortable footwear in the most fashionable way that can make you crave to get yourself a pair

2) Knuckle Rings

Fun fact, This Fashion item is not limited to a specific gender, in fact, it is common between both ‘recognized gender’ in UI. These rings come in different designs and sizes, some rings are really small and cute while others might be a little bit extravagant or over the top, it all depends on
your preferences and taste. You can get a set of knuckle rings to compliment your look, wearing Knuckle rings have a way of spicing up your wears and it also makes you to look really cool and stylish.

3)Big Tees/Pants:

Rocking Big Tee-shirts on Big Pants is an Alte-look trending in UI as of this moment. This trendy style of Fashion is fast becoming a new-normal within the campus. Rocking a Big tee on a big pant or normal sized pant is a new level of fashion everyone should unlock. Asides the fact, that it gives one a chic look, it is super comfortable too.

4) Tote Bag:

Tote bags are really simple bag packs that has won the hearts of Uites since it coming. This particular bag is not gender specific and it can be rocked in different ways and to different occasions or events. It is Comfortable and can accommodate a large number of books, most especially, on days when there are a lot of lectures. It is mostly affordable and fashionable, you can never be wrong with a Tote bag. In case you have
been considering to get yourself a Tote bag, this a sign that you should just get it already and your Tote bag does not have to look boring, you can spice it up with beautiful color prints and designs of your choice.

5) Neck-Piece:

These includes Pearls, Beads, Cowries, Hand-made chokers etc. Just like Knuckle Rings, Neck- Piece has grown to become a favorite collection of fashion items for most Uites. Procuring a beautiful set of Neckpieces, helps to explore the artistic world of hand-made fashion
items. These Neck pieces are mostly unique and colorful and that is why they are very much relevant to the UI fashion community. This fashion item is a must have, most especially for people that detest looking boring and bland.

In the past, Fashion has taken Unique turns in the University of Ibadan and there is no exception in the Present. The above are the selected – few of the fashion Items that has grown to become very popular among Uites and if there is anyone your closet is missing out on, Now, is the time to get it.


The Role of Nigerian Youths in Nation-Building

Nigeria, a country blessed with abundant human and natural resources, has the potential to become a global economic powerhouse. However, this potential has yet to be fully realized, and the
responsibility for nation-building falls on the shoulders of Nigerian youths.
The Nigerian youth population, which accounts for over 60% of the country’s total population, holds the key to unlocking Nigeria’s potential. Yet, the question remains: are Nigerian youths doing enough to contribute to nation-building?
The just-concluded election in Nigeria saw a large percentage of Nigerian youths come out to vote, which is a positive step forward in nation-building. This is because the youth vote is an essential component of any successful democratic process, and the fact that some Nigerian youths
participated in the election is a positive indication that they are becoming more politically engaged and aware of their role in the nation-building process.
However, another area where Nigerian youths can make a significant impact is in entrepreneurship. The country’s business environment is ripe for innovation, and Nigerian youths can take advantage of this by creating businesses that solve real-world problems. Nigerian youths should also invest in their education by acquiring knowledge and skills that are in high demand in the country’s job market. Nigerian youths learning different skills and creating employment opportunities for themselves is a positive step in nation-building. This is because unemployment is one of the most significant challenges facing Nigeria, and the youth unemployment rate is particularly high. By learning different skills and creating their own employment opportunities, Nigerian youths can help to address this challenge. They can become entrepreneurs, start their own businesses, and
create jobs for themselves and others. Finally, Nigerian youths must be willing to collaborate and work together to effect change. Unity is strength, and by working together, Nigerian youths can achieve great things and build a better future for themselves and their country and in turn build a brighter future for themselves and their country. The time to act is now!

National News News

Like Jonathan, Nigerians will yearn for Buhari after leaving office – Shehu

When President Muhammadu Buhari leaves office on May 29, according to Garba Shehu, senior special assistant to the president for media and publicity, Nigerians would miss him. This was said by Shehu during a Monday interview on Sunrise Daily on Channels TV. He asserts that
although Nigerian presidents are not adored while in power, their absence is felt. Shehu bemoaned the severity of the President’s accusations and added that presidents are not beloved while in office. Former President Goodluck Jonathan, who was “persecuted out of office,” is now
a favorite among many Nigerians, the speaker claimed. He predicts that this same hunger would continue once Buhari hands the presidency along to the next leader. Regarding the cashless policy, Shehu underlined that it is a desired and irreversible decision on the part of the current administration. “Cashless is the way forward for Nigeria,” he declared, “because cashless nations and, in fact, all developed nations of the world have gone cashless.”
Source: Vanguard

National News News


Joe Ajaero, the president of the Nigeria Labour Congress, has ordered all public sector employees in the nation to go on strike starting on Wednesday of next week. Additionally, he gave the order for all affiliated unions making up the Nigeria Labour Congress to be prepared for
nationwide picketing operations at all CBN branches. The instruction came after a previous ultimatum given by NLC Central Working Committee members last week in which they criticized the Federal Government’s cash swap program.
According to Ajaero, the Federal Government and the CBN have not demonstrated any willingness to fix the situation, therefore the decision to picket CBN facilities became imperative. Despite the Supreme Court’s judgment permitting the old N500 and N1000 notes to circulate alongside the new notes until December 31 of this year, he bemoaned that things seem to be getting worse as workers cannot access cash to pay for transportation to work or to purchase food for their families. The top labor organization, NLC, addressed reporters on Wednesday at its headquarters and criticized the petroleum industry’s pricing inconsistencies, which were also cause for concern.
Source: Daily Post


Tips on keeping your skin healthy and popping

Maintaining good skin health is necessary all year round but as the seasons changes so also is it necessary that we cater for the skin too in the various seasons. Keeping your skin hydrated during the changing season can be a challenge but with some simple steps you can help you skin looking it’s best.

Entertainment news

Wizkid, Tems win big at American radio awards

Nigerian singers, Wizkid and Tems have been named the joint winners of the newly created Afrobeats Artist of the Year category at the 2023 iHeartRadio Music Awards.
The ‘Essence’ crooners beat their compatriots Burna Boy, CKay, and Fireboy to clinchthe award.
Tems also snagged a second award of the night at the ceremony which was held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on Monday.

Her collaboration with Future and Drake, ‘Wait for U’ won the hip-hop song of the year category. However, the biggest winner of the night was Taylor Swift who scooped six awards, including Song of the year for ‘Anti-Hero’. British singer, Harry Styles won the Artist of the Year, while GloRilla tied Latto for the Best new hip-hop artist category.
Nigerian star, Rema who was nominated for the Best Music Video category with ‘Calm Down’ which featured Selena Gomez, lost to Korean group, BTS.

Entertainment news

Good heart no go kill me – Phyna’s lamentation over crashed car.

Big Brother Naija Season 7 winner, Josephine Otabor, simply known as Phyna,
expressed sadness over the crash of her brand new Mercedes Benz GLE in the hand of a
friend who borrowed it.
Sharing a picture of the car which crashed into an electric pole, the TV reality star wrote:
“I can’t believe I’m coming from Abuja to bad news and I have not even gotten home.
This was done to my car. Good heart no go kill me. And I’m finally done with
everybody. Just imagine.



Becoming is a crucial aspect of personal growth and development. It involves understanding yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, and values, and using this knowledge to make positive changes in your life. Becoming the best version of yourself is a lifelong journey, and it begins with self-discovery. Many people spend their lives trying to fit into a certain mold, following the expectations of society, family, or peers. However, true fulfillment and happiness come from being authentic and true to yourself. Self-discovery is about uncovering your unique identity, passions, and purpose.