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As a result of the increase in prices of transportation due to fuel scarcity, AASA press this week asked students how the scarcity has affected their movement, what their experience has been like and how they have been able to navigate movement in the school because of this problem, some students shared their experiences and here are some of the responses

Dayo 200 level

Yesss it has greatly affected my movement in school, I went late to class twice this week but luckily the lecturer had not entered. There was a day I went to eat at kuti and I had to walk all the way to gate just to get keke to cmf, because there was no keke at that kuti side after waiting for over 15 minutes. I walked to class like 3 times last week for my morning classes.


Yes !The fuel scarcity is really annoying the price of the transport is high imagine spending 700 from ojoo to Ui to and fro. So many things are expensive including transport ,How do we cope especially student. Most of the keke doesn’t have fuel so there also scarcity of keke within the school.

Segilade 400 level

Normally since I stay inside school, You’d think the price of transportation will not affect me because obviously they think people that stay inside school walk everywhere they go but no I don’t. I take keke but it has been really stressful trying to find keke because they have become very scarce, I can be infront of my hostel looking for keke for a long time , because of that I have been late to class multiple times. Also when I am in a hurry I want to get to where I am going as soon as possible, if I am at gate and I see a very long keke queue I do not want to stay for long so I eneter drop instead and I paid 300 to get to my department just because of fuel scarcity.


I understand that there is fuel scarcity, but I still think it’s unfair that prices of keke Increased especially for us that stay far from school area, keke men are always trying to extort us and frankly I don’t think it’s the fuel scarcity alone. The fuel scarcity not only affected the price but keke became very scarce last week after church, the line at the gate was very very long and little to no keke was in ground. I stood there for like 40mins and I .not even exaggerating it was very fustruating and annoying cause I just wanted to get to my hostel. The experience has been terrible and I really hope it gate better because it is really bad at the moment

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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