
Tips on keeping your skin healthy and popping

Maintaining good skin health is necessary all year round but as the seasons changes so also is it necessary that we cater for the skin too in the various seasons. Keeping your skin hydrated during the changing season can be a challenge but with some simple steps you can help you skin looking it’s best.

Step 1:

One major important thing you can do for your skin is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty water will help to flush out toxins and keep your skin
looking healthy and vibrant in addition to drinking plenty of water.

Step 2:

Incorporate a skincare routine that you can be consistent with. One very important skincare product that everyone must have in their bag is sunscreen. Get a sunscreen that is moisturizing and that properly blocks your skin from skin damage. This should keep your skin hydrated. Other Products that contain hyaluronic acid or glycerin are also very good for your skin. With field work starting it is not such a bad idea to get yourself a nice sunscreen to prevent sunburn.

Step 3:

Getting enough sleep cannot be overemphasized. Experts recommend about 9 hours a night for teens and 7-8 hours for adults.

Step 4

Eating healthy is definitely one of the quickest ways to get a glowing skin. It is necessary to ensure that all a balanced diet is consumed as much as possible. And also import to ensure that there is a cut down of carbonated products and other harmful food items put away for consumption.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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