
The Role of Nigerian Youths in Nation-Building

Nigeria, a country blessed with abundant human and natural resources, has the potential to become a global economic powerhouse. However, this potential has yet to be fully realized, and the
responsibility for nation-building falls on the shoulders of Nigerian youths.
The Nigerian youth population, which accounts for over 60% of the country’s total population, holds the key to unlocking Nigeria’s potential. Yet, the question remains: are Nigerian youths doing enough to contribute to nation-building?
The just-concluded election in Nigeria saw a large percentage of Nigerian youths come out to vote, which is a positive step forward in nation-building. This is because the youth vote is an essential component of any successful democratic process, and the fact that some Nigerian youths
participated in the election is a positive indication that they are becoming more politically engaged and aware of their role in the nation-building process.
However, another area where Nigerian youths can make a significant impact is in entrepreneurship. The country’s business environment is ripe for innovation, and Nigerian youths can take advantage of this by creating businesses that solve real-world problems. Nigerian youths should also invest in their education by acquiring knowledge and skills that are in high demand in the country’s job market. Nigerian youths learning different skills and creating employment opportunities for themselves is a positive step in nation-building. This is because unemployment is one of the most significant challenges facing Nigeria, and the youth unemployment rate is particularly high. By learning different skills and creating their own employment opportunities, Nigerian youths can help to address this challenge. They can become entrepreneurs, start their own businesses, and
create jobs for themselves and others. Finally, Nigerian youths must be willing to collaborate and work together to effect change. Unity is strength, and by working together, Nigerian youths can achieve great things and build a better future for themselves and their country and in turn build a brighter future for themselves and their country. The time to act is now!

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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