
HEALTH – Basic Things to Know About HIV

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) destroys and impairs the function of the immune cells and gradually makes the infected individual become immunodeficient. When the virus is not properly treated it affects and kills CD4 cells and at the end leads to AIDS. Many people get scared when they are asked to conduct an HIV test maybe because of the fear of not being positive. Here are some facts about HIV ;

• Anybody can have HIV, it is not limited to any race nor is it limited to only adult. A baby can get HIV.

• More than 84 million people in the world have contracted HIV, over 40 million have died of AIDS. Over 30 percent of people living with HIV are from the Sub-Saharan Africa.

• You can have HIV and not know. Some people experience some symptoms such as fatigue, headache, sore throat, body pain while some people won’t experience any symptoms at all. This is the more reason you should carry out the HIV test as often as possible.

• You can’t get HIV from a closed mouth kiss or contact with an infected person’s body fluid nor can you get it from insect bites, hugging, sharing of toilet, sharing of cutleries.

• HIV can be contracted through sharing of contaminated sharp objects, unprotected sex with an infected person, transfusion of infected blood, etc.

HIV treatment can prevent the virus from replicating and by that reduces the viral load in the body. This gives the immune system a chance to recover so that it is strong enough to fight against infections and certain HIV related diseases.

• HIV does not have a cure for now but it can only be maintained through proper dissemination of treatment.

• Every HIV patient is equal to every other person on earth and not meant to be secluded from the society.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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