AASA Kitchen

Tip from AASA’s Kitchen on how to stay jiggy even with the Inflation in the prices of food stuffs

To ensure that sapa does not deal with you further, you might want to hold on to some of these tips from us;

According to the Bureau, the food inflation was 23.72% in October 2022. When there’s inflation in energy, food, commodities, and other goods and services, the entire economy and nation is affected. No doubt!
Students are definitely one of the most affected as a result of nationwide inflation.

This will be one of the most expensive academic years for higher education students. For many students, it is their first experience of independence, and stepping out into the current inflation of prices will of course, take a hard toll on them.
I went to a popular market in Ibadan recently and the prices of foodstuffs left me speechless. Students who do not have to use their personal upkeep money to buy foodstuffs during the strike have now faced the tough reality in school. A mudu of rice which used to be 850naira before the strike, has its current price at 1300naira which is almost two times its original price. The university of Ibadan frowned upon the usage of gas and electric stoves in the hostels and so students are left with no choice but to stick with kerosene stove, which is no doubt super expensive to use.
Speaking with some students about the hike of goods and commodities, many of them indicated that the strike has affected them in more ways than one. To ensure that sapa does not deal with you further, you might want to hold on to some of these tips from us;

  • Some of the ways to survive in this season is to set a budget whenever you’re going out shopping. Try as much as possible to not go over the budget that you prepared.
  • Look at different retailers and look at what items you need and where you can find it for that same quality but at a cheaper rate.
  • Stick to what you need and get them. If you have an extra after getting all you need then save the remining (We know, times are hard but you need savings!)
  • And yes! Buy your needs before your wants. Do not get carried away by what others can afford (In other words, “No go dey do pass yourself”).
  • And above all, hang in there, it will get better

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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