Relationship talks

Reasons To Be in A Healthy Relationship

A healthy relationship provides you with a healthy challenge: Due to the fact that care for each other’s growth, you tend to challenge each other in a very positive way that encourages growth.

Have you ever been in a relationship where you were taken for granted or been disrespected? Are you in one right now? Though relationships through time encounters disagreement, it is essential that we know that having disagreements are perfectly normal. Human beings are social beings and because of this, we form relationships with other people- which could be for a short period of time, or a long period of time. Either way, relationship is also a component that makes us humans.

Why You Should Be in a Healthy Relationship
There are several reasons why humans engage in relationship regardless of how long it lasts. Being in a very healthy relationship is one of the best things that can happen to the parties involved and few of the reasons are;
a) A healthy relationship provides you with a healthy challenge: Due to the fact that care for each other’s growth, you tend to challenge each other in a very positive way that encourages growth.
b) Love makes you happy and secured regardless of whatever you may face: engaging in a relationship where you are loved, will always give you that assurance that the other party loves you, always vouch for you, supports you at all times, comfort you at your lowest times, loves
you for who you are, is committed to your growth.
c) A healthy relationship reduces stress and risk of depression: Due to the fact you have someone very trustworthy that you can actually rely on and talk about your ups and downs with, in response, such person tends to console you and encourage you, stress and the level of falling into depression is reduced.
d) Healthy relationships help you to learn about the other person: engaging in a healthy relationship gives one the opportunity to have greater knowledge of the other person’s do’s and don’ts. You learn about how other people other than yourself behave and express themselves. You learn about other’s personality and also love and care for them selflessly
Take note! Peace of mind comes with healthy relationships

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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