
Drinking Water, A Necessity

The importance of water to the human body can not be over emphasized. It was created first in order
to sustain human that would inhabit the earth.

It is note worthy to know that our body is made up 70% of water. And in most of our daily activities we loose water from our body through so many channels like sweating, urinating etc. The importance of water to the human body can not be over emphasized. It was created first in order
to sustain human that would inhabit the earth. Drinking enough water does so many good thing to the body but to mention a few are;

1. Improves Brain Function: Dehydration could lead to severe anxiety and nerve tension. It can also lead to impaired concentration and mood swings lowering brain functions. Keeping yourself hydrated improves memory and keeps you active.
2. Improvement of the Digestive Health: Drinking good Water helps maintain regular bowel movements through intestines. Enough proportion of water in the body prevents constipation, indigestion and other problems of gastrointestinal tract.
3. Maintains Healthy Body Weight: Many dietician advice drinking more water as part of their weight loss program. A well hydrated body allows proper metabolism of fats and carbohydrates so that they do not
get deposited and thus controlling weight gain.
4. Balances Body Fluids: Salts and minerals dissolve in water to get distributed all over the body through blood. Low water levels in the blood may lead to blood clotting inside blood vessels resulting in blockage
and stroke.
5. Keeps Skin Healthy: Do you want a glowing skin? Then you need to drink enough Water. Water makes skin look fresh and healthy. Proper hydration is a necessity to prevent skin from drying and aging. It helps controls wrinkles and fades out scars and blemishes. Adequate water intake helps maintain good hair and scalp health. It is advised to drink plenty of water to keep your hair lustrous and reduce hair fall.
In all of the above, drinking water is a necessity and it is something man can not live with doing.

But how often do you drink water to replenish your body system?

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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