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8 months of Asuu strike: Beneficial or a waste ?

Yes, I’d say it was beneficial to me because I went back to my hand skill which fashion designing and I was able to add to what I already knew. This also generated more economic buoyancy for me so I’d say it was beneficial.

Academic activities are now back after the long period of Asuu strike that put a pause to all academic activities across all federal universities in the country, we asked our fellow aasaites to share their opinion about the strike if it was beneficial to them or it was just a waste of time. Here are some of the wonderful replies we got.

Timileyin (400 level)

Yes, I’d say it was beneficial to me because I went back to my hand skill which fashion designing and I was able to add to what I already knew. This also generated more economic buoyancy for me so I’d say it was beneficial. I got the opportunity to add to my client base and gather new knowledge so yeah,it was. However, I wouldn’t advice for another strike because my educational career is getting too long because of these incessant strike actions embarked upon. I need to get a new phase in my life.

Richard (200 level)

For me it is not beneficial at all because considering the reason for the strike and at the end they couldn’t find a solution to the cause of the strike and the media is even saying that they did not pay the lecturers salary and not even pushing money into the educational sector, so what the point of the strike. Well some will say they learnt skill and all but they shouldn’t forget that some of us have learnt all these things before and are ready for academic life so we can graduate on time and face the reality of life. In a nutshell, it wasn’t beneficial because the reason for the strike wasn’t met and when two elephants wrestle against each other the grass suffers for it.

Anuoluwa (300 level)

Yeah the eight months benefitted me in so many ways, although at first it was like I was been drawn back because I just wanna graduate from school on time and focus on something else but then since eight months of came in and we never even thought it will be up to that, there won’t be sense sitting back at home and not doing anything so I used the period of strike to improve on my fashion skill because initially I’m a fashion designer. I went for more corporate trainings both online and offline so as to improve and upgrade myself which really became a success for me. So I will say the 8 months gave me the opportunity to become a better with something else apart from schooling.

Peter (200 level)

It was beneficial to me, I was elected as an EXCO for 2 major positions in my church , if not for strike, it would have been really hectic for me especially times when we had major programs like Camp, Teenage Week and other big programs. The strike made it easier for me to focus on the tasks given to me. Also, I enrolled for Web Design class and I was able to learn certain things about it. I also engaged in typing and printing of exam question paper for a certain school and all this was as a result of the strike and I was able to grow mentally, spiritually, and morally.

Taiwo (400 level)

I will say it was beneficial to me because I was able to upgrade myself in my makeup skill, engaged in some kind of business although some didn’t work out, learnt how to drive, basically had fun also and above all I was able to rest well.

Eniola (400 level)

It was beneficial and not beneficial because eight months out an academic setting is actually a lot and that doesn’t benefit me academically and on the other hand it was beneficial because I was able to pick up some physical trainings that lasted for six months but if the school was on session I won’t be able to attend such training. The training helped me in my finance, branding and improving in myself. I also took some online courses that helped in graphics designing, I engaged in a teaching job also. I will say I did alot so it was beneficial in that aspect but because I’m in my final year and I was delayed for eight months did not make it really beneficial to me.

Marvelous (200 level)

It actually a yes and a no but the yes is more than the no because eight months is really a lot but I don’t like the way the strike came because they already altered my plans plus what Covid did to the academic calendar again. During the strike I worked more on my baking business, did some work and I got some money, I developed myself on some aspect of life.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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