Meet your fellow Aasaites


As we wrap up publication for this semester, we profile staylites from the department of archaeology and anthropology, University of Ibadan.

Name: Okiti Ochuko Helen

Department(major): Archaeology

Faculty: Arts

Level: 200

Social media handle: Ochuko_Oghene

Date of birth: MM06/DD10

Best food: Pasta

Best colour: Black

Anthro/ Archaeological role model:

State of origin: Delta

Philosophy of life: “Life is a teacher”….. all you have to do is be a good student 📌

Dream job: I just wanna be counting/spending money 😌

Journey so far: Stressful, tiring, frustrating at times…. but then we move with vibes and inshallah 🤲🏽

Name: Ojo Joy Sarah

Department(major): Anthropology

Faculty: Art

Level: 200

Social media handle: Facebook: Ojo Joy Sarah
Instagram: @ojojoy480

Date of birth: MM08/DDU10

Best food: Spaghetti

Best colour: Baby pink

Anthro/ Archaeological role model: None

State of origin: Kogi

Philosophy of life: Life’s to be handled simple.

Dream job: Nurse

Journey so far: Not easy

Name: Odu faith eniola

Department(major): Anthropology

Faculty: Arts

Level: 200

Social media handle: Instagram handle name :Iampistisodu
Facebook: Tolulope odu
LinkedIn : faith odu

Date of birth: MM05/DD28

Best food: Anything made with rice

Best colour: White, blue, grey and black

Anthro/ Archaeological role model: Franz boas and Margaret mead

State of origin: Ogun State

Philosophy of life: God is always with me

Dream job: A fashion and legal anthropologist.

Journey so far: Good and hectic, fantastic and lovely

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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