

Being healthy looks different for different people. When you’re healthy you are well physically, mentally, and socially. With exams coming up it is necessary for us as students to sleep and eat well so we can give our best during the upcoming exams.

A lot of students tend to skip their meals and sleep due to preparations for exams and the popular TDB.

Eating and sleeping during exams are usually considered to be a waste of time. However, it is important for us to note that neglecting your health during exams is puts passing the said exams at risk.

Importance of staying healthy during exam periods.

• Being healthy during an exam does not just give way for a stronger academic performance it, however, helps to avoid illness in the course of this period. Getting down with any type of illness is not the best throughout the time of an exam.

• Being in good health during exams permits you to relax and concentrate. You are able to take in and recollect details more, which makes it less stressful to assimilate and retain whatever it is you read.

• It helps to boost your mental alertness, energy, and positive mood which makes it easier for you to read.

How to stay healthy during exams.

• One of the most important and required ways to stay healthy is eating regularly. And also drinking a lot of water.
• Another important tip is sleep. According to a study conducted in 20018, of more than 10,000 the body’s ability to function declines if sleep is not in the seven to the eight-hour range. This is because it is needed to perform your best at communicating, planning, and decision making.
• Staying calm and managing your stress level. Do not stress too much during exams.
•Always have an organized plan on how you go about your day throughout this period.
• A little bit of exercise will not hurt during exams, 30 minutes walk just to refresh your memory will make you feel better than you can think of.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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