

Have you ever thought about the person who masterminds the idea of examination? Why did this person come up with such an idea?

Professor and American businessman, Henry Fischel brought the idea of exam in the late 19th century. He did this because he thought students study the whole year and pass to another class the following year without knowing if they understood what they were being taught. He decided to test his students to check if they were studying properly. One question you should be asking is, who tested this nigga called Henry to check if he wasn’t studying nonsense either?
Ha! Henry’s intention was just to test his students, oh but today exam has turned into a means of threat, favour, etc. Most people now see exams as something that scares them because nothing good comes with failing them.

Presently in the University, some people have started exams while some are yet to start but the funny thing is some that have started are claiming they haven’t started because they don’t see GES exams as a serious thing but it is just unavoidable except you no wan graduate.

On another hand, the finalists are preparing to write the exam and can’t wait to sign out after all the stress faced from days of jamb registration to this present moment, I swear e no easy at all. Meanwhile, the 100 level students want to leave that stage of being called a fresher and turn to a stalite, they can’t wait to orientate some people just like the way they were orientated, while the penultimate students can’t wait to turn to finalist.

However, many things come with exams such as pressure, denial of sleep and good food, etc. The lecturer wants to touch every part of the course and make sure a test or assignment is been given within the limited time remaining. It is funny to see how students who haven’t been reading want to pass a course that was taught for about 3 months within the space of 3 days. Various lecture rooms and the reading room becomes more populated because of students who engage in TDB and MTN, nobody wants to fail.

There is less participation in social activities, even the football field is resting at the moment. This is a period when students move together at night not to go and cruise around the various hall of residence as they do when they just resumed, rather they go to various LLT to read but not everyone goes in to read, some are just because of friends, some end up sleeping after eating their pack of junks while some chat till daybreak though some read in between. This period is known for a high level of malnutrition, people don’t eat well anymore because they eat what they see claiming they don’t have time to cook and spend more time eating junk. Even sleep is been denied, maybe they thought a minute without a book will make them fail.

To have a successful pre-exam period and post-exam period we should always endeavor to create time to eat well, rest when needed, and most importantly we shouldn’t forget to include the figure of a spiritual being into our reading. Above all, we shouldn’t just be reading but ensure to read the right thing, swallow pride and ask questions on things that don’t seem to be clear otherwise na total waste of time.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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