
Drink Water, Focus, And Write Your Exams.

By Mercy Tomilola.

A lot of students don’t usually like it when exams are around the corner due to so many inexhaustible reasons, some might be just exam tension while some might be as a result of inadequate preparation for exams and limited time to adequately prepare, many others suddenly feel overwhelmed.

Whatever category you find yourself in, the best thing to do in this kind of situation is to “drink water, focus and finally write your exam”. Drinking water does not necessarily imply that you drink water all the time,(laughs) it is just another way of saying take things easy, remain calm even under pressure, be gentle, take a deep breath, you should most likely breathe in and breathe out. Yes! That’s it, Breathe in and breathe out, when you are done with that first step then sit down, avoid any form of distraction and focus on this piece for a while trust me, it is your one key to opening the doors of a mental-stress free examination.

Now that exams are fast approaching in most of Nigeria tertiary institutions, especially in the University of Ibadan, it is therefore important for every Aasite to develop the right coping mechanism before and during the examination. Here are some coping strategies that would help to wade off examination stress and tension:

  1. Eat Properly: This is the first major step in creating a positive attitude towards exams, it is really common among students to skip. meals and eat junk especially when exams are lurking around the corner. Students get intense with studying as they want to cover up their course scheme before D-Day. Just as it is good to study and prepare, students need to imbibe good eating habits before, during, and after the examination period. This is because your body needs the nutrients it gets from food to keep functioning properly. The food you eat affects how you feel both emotionally and physically. For example foods with lots of fats or sugars can make you feel heavy or sluggish. When our body has the fuel and nutrients it needs, it makes it a lot easier to manage feelings of stress and anxiety.
  2. Sleep Well: Now that exams are here, many students have turned the school libraries, lecturer theatres into their homes. They hardly go home to get enough rest during this period students make use of pills or substances that would help them stay up and active which has adverse effects on the body and one’s mental health down. Your bed is a sanctuary, not a desk. Good sleep helps you remember what you learned. Get enough sleep, especially on the days before your exams. It is IMPORTANT.
  3. Exercise. Physical activity, like running and swimming, will leave you feeling calm, fresh, and energetic for hours. So build exercise into your timetable.
  4. Distract Strategies: This tip helps take one’s mind from unnecessary worries and thoughts, therefore you need to develop and use some healthy distract strategies that can help you manage your stressful or anxious feelings such as using a stress ball, chewing some gum, sipping on ice water, using fidget toys such as an elastic band on your wrist or listening to mild songs that help you to study well without getting swayed away.
  5. Positive Thoughts or Words of Affirmation: This has started getting really popular and very effective especially among youths, a simple statement like “Yes I can do it” triggers a lot of positivity, therefore, combating worry thoughts or negative thoughts such as “I am going to fail” or “I can’t do this” with positive thoughts or cheerleading statements such as “I got this” or “I am going to try my best, I know my stuff”. Write these positive statements out and post them around your study area.
  6. Relaxation Techniques. Reduce feelings of stress or anxiety when studying or writing exams by using breathing exercises. For example: take a minute to close your eyes, inhale for a count of three, then exhale for a count of five, and then repeat. It only takes a moment and helps your body and mind relax so you will be in a better frame of mind to concentrate.
  7. Get Prepared: just like the saying “the way you lay your bed is the way you lie on it”; draft out visible plans that would aid your studies, trust these plans and follow them strictly. By doing this you are making physical efforts in getting prepared thereby boosting your confidence.
  8. Write your exams: After ‘drinking water’ the next thing is to write your exams with a great sense of positivity, avoid being late to the examination venue, avoid examination malpractices, and try as much as possible to make adequate use of your time during examinations. When you are done with your exams take a deep breath and strongly believe that you have done your best & Enjoy your holiday.
    Ultimately, be open-minded and hopeful for the best, don’t lose sight that although things might seem intense right now, they won’t last forever. Finding healthy and positive strategies to cope with feelings of exam stress and anxiety can help you feel more in control. Don’t forget to ‘drink water, focus and Write your exams’.
    Wishing every Aasite success in their forthcoming exams.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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