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In line with our theme for the week (Body-Shaming), we asked aasaites to share their thoughts and experiences about body shaming. Here are some replies we got.

Anonymous (200 level)
All I know is that this stuff can cause depression. Because I’ve been body-shamed before when I was in secondary school. They used to call me fry pan because my back was very flat then.

Anonymous (300 level)
Well, all I can say about body shaming is that it is a very common act and majority of us are guilty about it. We do it a lot all in the name of catching cruise. But the truth of the matter is that most people do it with good heart and they don’t even know that they are body-shaming until the person at the receiving end starts feeling somehow.
But anyways, it needs to stop. We need to start respecting each and every one for the way they are.

Anonymous (300 level)
Personally, I believe most of us actually body-shame without meaning to. Because I do it a lot. Before I realize that I’m actually body-shaming, I’ve done it, and I’ll just be like, I think I just body-shamed this person. But then it is with good humor that I do it and I don’t think I’m body-shaming until I’ve done it, and then I’ll now start imagining maybe the person is feeling bad. So, I have to actually follow it up with jokes so that the person will forget about my foolish remark about his/her body.
But again, I think there are people that do it because they are just bastards, because I don’t see any reason why you’d just look at someone and say “you are fat”.
I believe when you body-shame, it makes people self-conscious, too conscious of their own body and then, they start feeling uncomfortable in their own skin. It’s actually bad. I did not think that it was bad before.

Anonymous (300 level)
Yes, I’ve been body-shamed before because I’m fat. I felt low-esteemed.
People should stop body shaming, it can lead to psychological disorder if care is not taken.

Anonymous (200 level)
Body shaming is bad and people that body shame do that majorly out of ignorance… It may be as a result of Environment and Society which plays the most important role. They grew up where the Environment and Society depicted some stereotypical rules as normal.
The entertainment industry clearly portrays an ideal figure, appearance of a person, hence many people try to adapt the figure.They are insensitive. So they certainly won’t understand or get that kind of feeling.
Also, they may be narcissist or grew up naturally as a bully since childhood.

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