AASA Kitchen


When it comes to eating healthy, many people talk about losing weight. However, for some, gaining weight would mean that they are healthy. There are many people who are struggling to gain weight; well, one major factor that can affect your weight is what you eat. Have you ever wondered which foods can help you gain weight? Most people that want to gain more weight are usually underweight. Underweight medically means that you have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is below 18.5.

You should realize that some people very skinny naturally and not underweight, it that does not mean that they are not healthy. You may be underweight for the following reasons which include;
1.Genetic or hereditary factors
Poor Metabolism
Eating disorders like anorexia
Gastrointestinal or liver problems
Celiac disease
Type 1 Diabetes
Depression and mental problems.
Unlike the popular belief that most people have about this food; BEANS CONTAIN LARGER AMOUNT OF CARBOHYDRATES THAN PROTEIN [although they are also rich in protein than many other foods]. This is why Beans is a very great choice for those willing to gain more weight with Nigerian foods. Of course, Beans is a healthy Nigerian food for weight loss, but it also helps you put on a few poundsWith the substantial amount of carbohydrate and protein in beans, you will gain additional weight as well as a stronger muscle.

Ewa Agoyin is a delicious pepper sauce that is made in Yoruba land and usually served with well-cooked beans. We add fried plantain and assorted meat sometimes, it’s to die for!
The Yorubas sure have a twist to everything. There is stew and there is ewa agoyin (pepper sauce for beans.
1cup of dried crushed chilies/peppers
1 white onion
1 red onion
1 Seasoning cube
Salt to taste
Palm oil – 2 cups
3 cups of beans/black-eyed peas
Step 1
Slice half of the red onion and combine the remaining half with the white onions, pepper, a cup of water and blend.
You get this:
Step 2
Set your cooking pot on heat, add the two cups of palm oil and allow to heat but don’t let it bleach. About 3 minutes should do it. All through the cooking process you don’t let it bleach. the red color is just what set’s it apart from the regular tomato stew.
Step 3
Once the oil is heated you can add the sliced red onions.
Fry the onion for about 3 minutes before adding the ground pepper/chillie, onions and water combination
Step 4
Now you fry. This pepper sauce is not like the regular tomato stew so you would be frying for the next 15-25 minutes. In no time you will notice the sauce drying and turning dark. if it is not dark, it’s not ewa agoyin sauce.
You need the pepper to fry till it takes on the form and texture of small pebbles, or grainy, like sand. So you would spend the next few minutes in the kitchen stirring this sauce.
The sauce is already turning dark, we are not yet there but we would definitely get there.
By this time, your kitchen should have been enveloped by the wonderful aroma. If your neighbors are from Yoruba, they should be gathering together already.
Add a cube of seasoning and salt to taste. Fry for another 3-4 minutes and you are done with the making of ewa agoyin (Yoruba pepper sauce).
It should be dried but not burned.
Boiling the beans
You will need:
3 cups of beans
Half teaspoon of salt
Serving: 3 Persons.

Boil another 5 cups of water and start cooking the beans in it. You can add more water in-between.
You want it really soft. Add a teaspoon of salt
Cook until the beans are really soft then go ahead and serve with the pepper sauce and agege bread.
Agege bread is a special soft and delicious bread that is made in Lagos, Nigeria. You can substitute with any other bread if you don’t live in Lagos Nigeria.

Recipe culled from:

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