

The idea that women should be thin, lean, and small is something that has eaten deep into the fashion industry, and all other fabrics of our society.

“Fat” women are marginalized from wearing certain types of wear due to what the society will say about them, or go for certain types of pageantry or modeling because they do not fit in according to the societal standards. Society has created a picture of how a lady’s body looks like.

These societal standards have in many ways hindered a lot of ladies from practicing certain types of fashion they like. Body shaming and unrealistic social standards have been an issue in the modeling and fashion industry and often go unchallenged. See women are not allowed to model certain types of fashion trends because of their body size.

Many ladies have developed an eating disorder in a bid to shed enough weight to conform to the societal standard of how one should look, or what one’s size should be. In addition to this, ladies who have been body-shamed tend to develop low self-esteem and low confidence level. Body Shaming is not always about small and big sizes, but it extends to bodily features and mannerisms.

A Victoria’s Secret model named Bridget Malcolm in a post on March 19 titled Body Shaming on Set mentioned that some time ago, a woman refused to look her in the eyes and addressed her by the size of her stomach. Bridget said adding that, “another lady asked me to show my rips more while shooting, suck in my guts more, and tied a sarong around my hips to hide them”.

This right here is a perfect example of how women on the big side are body shamed. Every woman and man, fat or thin, should be allowed to thrive fairly in society, and not get marginalized as a result of their size.

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