

AASA 2020/2021 elections saw new executive members emerge and take the mantle of office. They vied and were voted into eight different offices. Team transformation is set out on a mission to lead the students’ association, AASA, and the department as a whole for the next year.

This exclusive interview features the newly elected executive members of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Ibadan. They speak in this interview with Stella Oyekanmi and Seyitan Adepegba.

Images captured by Marvelous Oluwagbotemi Emmanuel (Prem Photography) for AASA PRESS


AASA PRESS: Please introduce yourself and the post you vied for?
President: My name is Edegbai Promise Oluwafemi. And I vied for the President position.

AASA PRESS: What should the students expect from your tenure?
President: Students should expect an outstanding tenure from this tenure and nothing but the best. We would work hand-in-hand with possible channels to ensure we give our best.

AASA PRESS: What difference would you make that past tenures haven’t made?
President: Well, all I can say to this question is that every past tenure is unique and special in its way with all due respect to them. So in my tenure, we would ensure we fill the various gaps the past tenure didn’t fill before they left office. Other tenures had a huge contribution to AASA and we will make ours a completion to those contributions.

AASA PRESS: What do you have to say to those who voted for you as well as those who didn’t?
President: I Feel every man’s decision is special to them and I respect that! To those that voted for me, I would say a big thank you for giving me this opportunity and I promise by God’s grace never to disappoint you. I appreciate those that didn’t vote for me too, you showed me that every man has their opinions and choices to make which really pushed me further to keep pushing.
Thank you so much you all. I love you all.
For the love of AASA, keep being good and productive.
Thank you.

FALOKUN FAVOUR, Vice-president (VP)

AASA PRESS: How do you feel about winning the election?
VP: I feel very happy and loved
AASA PRESS: What was the electoral process like for you?
VP: It was a bit stressful and competitive but at the same time it was fun cause I got to meet new people.
AASA PRESS: How do you intend to start your plans for the department as you have been elected the vice president?
VP: First, by assisting the president with some of his duties and also working together with the other excos to achieve the laid down goals.
AASA PRESS: which of your plans do you want to start with and why?
VP: I will love to start by responding to complaints or challenges faced by students in their academic pursuits. I will be able to do this by working with my team especially, the president through a consistent and relentless representation of the views and interests of all students before the departmental management. (especially as it concerns their education and welfare)
According to Harvey Firestone, “the growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.”
This is because the growth and development of students are dependent on Education and Welfare, when these two important issues are met they will be able to achieve their desired goals. Therefore, I am determined to ensure the growth and development of AASA students by ensuring that issues relating to your academic interests and welfare are dealt with timeously, efficiently, and effectively.

ALONGE MARY, General Secretary

ODIGIE MARVELOUS, Sports director

AASA PRESS: How do you feel about winning the election?
Sports director: Happy and grateful to God and the supporters for believing in me
AASA PRESS: What was the electoral process like for you?
Sports director: The whole process was good. Students of the department came out en masse to vote and it was transparent.
AASA PRESS: How do you intend to work with other excos?
Sports director: I am going to work hand in hand with the other excos in order to achieve anything for the benefit of The department.
AASA PRESS: What should be the expectation of people from you as you have been elected the sports director?
Sports director: Transparency, equity, and equality among the students interested in sports.

TIAMIYU OLUWASEUN, Public Relations Officer (PRO)

AASA PRESS: How do you feel about winning the election?
PRO: I feel excited
AASA PRESS: What was the electoral process like for you?
PRO: It was kind of scary but all glory to God
AASA PRESS: Which area of your plans as the pro do you plan to work on first?
PRO: The part of the social media aspect. I plan on using the Facebook page and the Instagram page to their full capacity, And not just WhatsApp and telegram. I plan on creating a telegram group too, but I would be working alongside the course reps of different levels. I would be passing information to them about the association so they can announce to their course mates at the beginning of their general class( before the lecturer arrive) or at the end of the class, because of those that do not have phones that can WhatsApp, Facebook or use Instagram.

OLAITAN TIMILEYIN, Social Director (S.D)

AASA PRESS: Please introduce yourself and the post you vied for?

(S.D): My name is Olaitan Timileyin and I vied for the post of the Director of Social Activities and Welfare and to God be the glory, I won.

AASA PRESS: What do you think in general of the just concluded elections? Are you satisfied with your result?

(S.D): Well, I think the elections went well, no complaints from anyone and it was hitch-free. I’m satisfied with my result.

AASA PRESS: What form of social activities should the students expect from you?

(S.D): AASAsites should expect activities that would benefit them and would also serve as a form of relaxation from the stress of being a student.

AASA PRESS: What do you have to say to those who voted for you as well as those who didn’t?

(S.D): To all those who voted for me, I say a very big thank you and I promise not to disappoint you all. To those who didn’t vote for me, I will use my capacity of being the Social Director to convince you.

BELLO ADEDOYIN, Assistant Social Director (Ass. S.D)

AASA PRESS: Please introduce yourself and the post you vied for?

(Ass. S.D): I am Bello Adedoyin Favour, female, a 200-level student of Archaeology Arts
I vied for the post of assistant social director

AASA PRESS: How do you feel now that you have won the elections?

(Ass. S.D): I feel the time has come for me to make a positive impact with my new position in the department and swing into action quickly, with cooperation with the other newly elected executives

AASA PRESS: What comments do you have to make about the whole election process?

(Ass. S.D): The whole election process was peaceful

AASA PRESS: What do you have to say to students who voted for you and those who didn’t?

(Ass. S.D): To the students who voted for me, thank you for putting your trust in me in form of your votes
To those who did not vote for me, thank you as well.


AASA PRESS: How do you feel about winning the election?
Treasurer: I feel loved and supported
AASA PRESS: What was the electoral process like for you?
Treasurer: It was stressful and at the same time I was nervous
AASA PRESS: How do you intend to play the role of a treasurer?
Treasurer: By working in unity with my fellow excos and contributing my opinions as well
AASA PRESS: How do you intend to work with other excos?
Treasurer: By attending meetings, supporting other members whenever good opinions are raised, and making myself available whenever I’m needed.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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