Vox pop

Vox Pop | Students and well wishers celebrate #AASAAt50 .

To celebrate the department at 50 AASA PRESS created a Google Form document to share your best wishes. Here are some of the wishes we gathered.


I wish the noble department the very best.

Seyi, 100

I wish the department progress and more funds to make everything look better especially the chairs.

Olayide, 100L

I wish her greater achievements and long life.

Olumide Ojediran

Greater exploit in the world of African Archaeology.

Adedoyin, 200 level

Progress, more achievements.


May the department, students and lecturers and management continue to be immaculate in their careers.


A better building.


I wish the department progress and development in all ramification.


The department is a force to reckon with and I can’t wait to see it become even more relevant in the years to come.


My wish for the department on this 50th simply goes thus, may the labour of the past, present and future generation never be in vain.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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