

Judges take different sides on a matter. The condemnation of lie here would be equal to its justification with the other Judge. We brand lies in the coat of truth, starving truth of warmth.

We have pulled over just at this angle of life
Our mouths sealed or left ajar at the appearance of this little giant
Truth flee for his dear life but lie rejoices in his fine coat of many colours

The Coaches of both tends towards their own
The referee, left beside himself and confusion
How lie wins every time becomes a mystery

Should the referee raise the arm of lie or call for the help of a VAR
Chants stood from her seat with cheers
To honour lie with great excitement

No one is heard celebrating the win against truth other than almost everybody
Enough supporters are just on the winning side According glory to the colossal victory of lie_

Judges take different sides on a matter. The condemnation of lie here would be equal to its justification with the other Judge. We brand lies in the coat of truth, starving truth of warmth. We name the saviours our enemies and we call terrorism banditry just to prepare some pots of soup. The pots of soup no one sits to eat in peace. Variants of spice are new every morning. Every morning on our national dailies they are arranged. They are arranged for the world to see our level of wretchedness. The extent to which our beloved land has disintegrated helplessly.

Rescue truth and let the nation live. Lies only cover up, they do not heal. Speak and let’s know who you represent, truth or lie your words will tell.

…and for a better life, truth remains my identity!


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By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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