Vox pop

3 Aasaites share their thoughts on global warming and how it is affecting the climate.

The world is changing so is the climate. Human day-to-day activity is contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer further promoting climate change and global warming. This week on vox pop Aasaites shares their thoughts on how global warming is affecting the climate.

Segilade, 300 level

I think that global warming is one of the effects of human’s negative impacts on the environment that is gradually making the earth unhabitable to mankind. Because of these things that humans are exposing to the environment, the carbon in the atmosphere is increasing and the climate is changing for the worse. The earth is becoming hotter and more ice caps are melting in the arctic region. The melting of the icecaps is leading to a rise in sea levels and will eventually lead to the disappearance of some islands. So all of us are affected really.


As we all know Man has been a dangerous entity and threat to other natural resources…You see human activities to rate of corruption and emblezzemt is actually killing mankind in his environment and also to man’s health, Man subsequent activities of burning and industrialized the smoke leashing to the topmost part of the Earth causing the ozone layer to deplete, having an effect on the greenhouse which fall acid rain instead of normal rain. This resulting in damages and loss of life and property even to the soil that produces good and also damage to the archeological product that is buried in the ground.

Dayo, 100 level

Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth’s temperature generally due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, Chlorofluorocarbon, and other pollutants. It affects the climate by Increased heat, Drought, Increased wildfires, Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health problems in cities due to heat, Flooding, and erosion in coastal areas.

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