

I look around the streets with the intention of counting who and what we have left as a nation. The sight of people, young and old abusing substances met me in terrifying colours.
I am bewildered if the knowledge of its danger is absent or the pleasure derived produces more blessings than the evil created by the danger.

Illegal use of drugs has hit our nation hard, it is done both in the rural and the urban centres. Size, colour, religion and gender makes no difference in the abuse of drugs. The wide availability of the substances abused has bedevilled the young citizens making them become die-hard addicts even from age sixteen. They become lovers of drugs over food, which is very pathetic.

Enough reasons are why substances are abused, however, none should be justifiable if we would have a safe and sane society. Stress, anxiety, peer pressure, depression amidst a thousand other factors have a hand in the procreation of drug abuse.

Quite a lot can be done to control this as it is never too late for us. Efficient preventive measures could be engaged as well as curative ones by the government and individuals in the society. The use of psychological therapy during depression should be involved in order to save people from resorting to the abuse of drugs when psychological or emotional issues spring up. Proper education on the negative effects of abuse of hard substances could be given to citizens via the communication media and one on one engagements. It is not a bad idea to emphasize the good ways to be active and full of strength other than the abuse of drugs. Parents also should not pressurize their wards academically and socially so much that they fall into this menace.

Those are just very few of the myriad of ways out of the evil of substance abuse that is colonising the youths of our nation. We all need contribute effectively in overcoming this great challenge as no man’s business always yield dividend for every man.

…and for a better living, I will do my best in making my nation a better place!


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By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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