
Exclusive Interview with Anthropology and Archaeology Independent Electoral Committee (AAIEC).

The departmental press met with AAIEC representatives Sinmiloluwa Okunade, Chairperson, and Emmanuel Marvelous Vice-chairperson earlier in the week for an exclusive interview chat on issues concerning AASA and its political space. In this interview, AAIEC, speaks on the challenges, the proffered solution they’ve adopted to overcome the problems and also they speak on how the electioneering process is going to go. Is it virtual or physical voting? Find out this and more in the interview.

AASA PRESS: When did AAIEC lift the ban for election?

AAIEC:  August 25th. There was a ban lift for the current session but, due to the virtual classes and low participation, we could not hold elections.

AASA PRESS: Elections are done in 1st semester. Why did elections not hold and also, why did it take so long before the ban was lifted?

AAIEC: Elections are actually done in the second semester. After every election, the Electoral Committee is disbanded. The department reinstates a new one for the coming session. The current electoral committee was reinstated at the end of last session. Because of the timing, we could not hold the election process. We tried to have the elections in the first semester but, that also did not work out. As a result, the elections we would be conducting this semester is for the 2020/21 session. We lifted the ban for this on Wednesday, 25th August.

AASA PRESS: What are the challenges the electioneering committee members faced before and after the time the ban was lifted?

AAIEC: Not exactly a challenge but a fear we faced was apathy from our fellow students. After the very long break, we noticed that a lot of people were no longer interested in running for executive positions. The lack of on-campus accomodation contributed to this and the virtual classes and also the fear of people not coming out to vote.
Thankfully, we have found a solution to this problem. Those who will not be able to vote physically can send in their votes virtually. When the time comes, we would explain in details to the department. This would also limit the number of people around the polling booths, in compliance with COVID-19 protocols.

AASA PRESS: With the proffered solution have there been a significant change in the purchase of form?

AAIEC:  Although, the number of interested contestants have increased since the first time we lifted the ban, i do not think it is as a result of the proffered solution. We have not officially announced the option of virtual voting.

AASA PRESS: Speaking of voting virtually can you tell us how that would work and also, reassure AASAITES that there wouldn’t be any form of compromise in the voting process?

AAIEC: A week prior to the election proper, students who intend to vote virtually would be sent a link to register. They would be required to fill in their names, matric numbers, levels and student emails. They have the whole week to register. On that day, between 9am and 2pm, those who registered for virtual will have a form sent to their student mails. The form would contain the contestants and they only have to select their preferred contestants. That’s all.
Counting is always done in the presence of the press, the agents of the contestants and the Liaison officer. This election would not be any different.

AASA PRESS: Could the amount of form be the factor why many aren’t willing to participate or are there other reasons?

AAIEC: The price for forms was fixed by the committee and the department through the liaison officer (as a form of regulation). It is possible that the long break and virtual classes contributed to the lethargy.

AASA PRESS: As we speak currently, can people still buy forms?

AAIEC:  Definitely. People can buy forms. The proposed date for the election is in September. Until the week of the final election activities, forms are for sale.

AASA PRESS: Giving an estimate of how many aspirants do we have at the moment?

AAIEC: I can not particularly say at this time because all the members of AAIEC are selling forms. I will have to get back to you on that.

AASA PRESS: With the political apathy currently being experienced and the introduction of online voting is that enough in ensuring adequate participation?

AAIEC: We also intend (with help from the press) to publish articles that would stir up and encourage AASA to actively participate in the elections. We have other activities planned that should ensure adequate participation.

AASA PRESS: Has the electioneering body decided on a specific date for election?

AAIEC: We have decided but the Head of Department has to approve it. By Tuesday we would release the official date.

AASA PRESS: In a nutshell, what are AAIEC advice to voters, aspirants, and their agents?

AAIEC: We implore aspirants and agents to comply with the election rules and to act in a manner worthy of emulation and we wish voters a wonderful voting experience. It is our hope that we meet all expectations with the help of the department administration and our able Student body.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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