

Going to the university does not just entail coming to school to study, the university allows you to explore and to learn. It is often said that you should not just pass through the university but also, let the university pass through you.

As university students, learning and unlearning should be part of our behavior and one way to do this is by participating and holding political positions as students. Participating in an extra-curricular activity while in the University has substantial and impactful benefits. As student representatives, you have the chance to represent your peers and also bring about changes you would like to see.

Holding a political position offers students an excellent means to participate in the inner workings of their school, it also exposes you to a variety of opportunities in school and beyond school. Other benefits of holding political positions may also include;
Driving change, students who occupy political positions often can effect change. By taking up responsibilities of various roles your influence is perceived and you can also advance the cause you stand for.

Involvement in school politics also exposes you to understand what the university system does and how it works. Not only does it expose you to the workings of your university alone, but it also lays the foundation of connections and understanding various systems when you leave the university.

Being a student executive is also rewarding, especially when you see the influences you have on your schoolmates, coursemate, and even classmates in the university, as it allows you to interact with students from different backgrounds, different courses, a diverse range of people such as the university staffs which may also result in long-lasting relationships. As an executive, you also gain access to staff and individuals who are at the peak of their careers to serve as guides, mentors, and leaders. There may or may not be face-offs but most importantly you build your self networks and relationships that could benefit you in the future. You’ll get to engage yourself with professionals from various fields of studies and across multi-disciplinary sectors.

Furthermore, a political position does not just leave you with roles and responsibilities, it also supports your employability prospects by boosting your resume. This would allow you to make relevant examples of your employability skills in your resume and cover letter. Responsibilities such as leadership skills, finance management, feedback, and emotional intelligence may or may not be part of your courses, however, your political experiences will expose you to all of this and more. These skills are highly desired by prospective employers.

Finally, holding a political position would allow you a great range of personal development which is crucial for getting jobs after school and even running a firm of your own. It allows you have an early start in your career development as well.

NellyChris Omeonu
(AAIEC Secretary

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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