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4 students share their fieldwork expectations and experience.

Fieldwork is an important aspect of being an anthropologist or archaeologist. It requires adequate participation and involvement with activities on the field. For our first publication this semester and post-fieldwork we requested that archaeology and anthropology students’ share their fieldwork expectations and experience.

Temi, 200level

What I actually expected was actually different but, it’s still okay. The fieldwork experience made me understand a lot that had to do with the topic that was given to me, but it was fun and educating.

Segilade, 300level

Honestly, I had no expectations especially when I realized that we weren’t going to be traveling anywhere for it. Like I felt what were we learn around school. But ultimately the experience wasn’t bad. I learned I knew a lot more than I thought I will.

Uthman, 200level

The field work was great and I expected great things like having a good field experience and meeting Course Mates from 300lv above. It was interesting cause I was able to get a better experience than my expectation.

Michael, 300level

I am a 300 level student which means I have done the field work just one, and the one did previously was educating a, fun and it was something I expected to do again. This year’s own I was expecting something similar but due to the issue of security and corona, many things have been put into consideration, this year wasn’t fun, you had to work, you had to do your work alone with just one partner. But after this field work I realized I can interact people alone, I have developed the skills to talk to people I don’t know, everything was a personal development. In comparison to last year’s field work and it also allows you to be able to do better on your own as an anthropologist it give you an edge.

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