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Student Archaeologist and Anthropologist share thoughts on the theme “next level”

To wrap up publication this semester we asked archaeology and anthropology students what their next level looks like and what their aspirations as archeologist or anthropologist is. Next level is away of looking into the future and understand what they foresee especially careerwise.

Here are some of the responses I got

Anonymous 1
As an archaeologist, there’s a probability in me diverting and taking a master’s degree in Anthropology and further my career in biological anthropology as I have gained so much interest in that area of specialization

Anonymous 2
“My next level looks massive and explosive!”

Anulika, 300 level
“Hmm I’m in 300 going to 400level .. if I am being honest this online class at the moment isn’t for me and feels really stressful than the physical class, I feel the session also very slow, the situation in Nigeria is not making it any easier either .
As an Anthropologist, since Nigeria also do not recognize that field of study ,at the end of the day I tend to travel out of the country and make good use of my degree”.

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