

When leaders do not put themselves in the shoes of the citizens, things will never be balanced, so does the refusal of the followers to do the same.

A joke is almost synonymous with what we call a way out of insecurity. Is it not laughable when mechanical, human and monetary resources are in great enmity with the security unit of the nation. We really need help!

It is a thing of great shame to deal with the challenge of insecurity with crude tools like those of the cavemen. Bet we don’t need to do the archaeology of some sectors of Nigeria; it is simply a white elephant project to engage in such since we are dwelling in the past itself. Who on earth in this age combs a forest with thousands of security officers on foot, taking like forever to get the mission executed, when it could be done in few hours via an aircraft? Such is unavoidable since we can count the number of aircraft belonging to the Nigerian Police, that is even if any is still consuming fuel. Oh! I can remember ‘them’ stating thousands of thousands of Naira for reconnaissance when graduates of Engineering exist in the nation who can make micro aircraft that can perform similar functions (believe you me, I have seen models of such micro aircraft). We should think critically and look inwards for breakthrough.

Some people are just callous, they are still speculating on how to make a fortune at the expense of the lives of men in this national unrest. Padding and ‘stuffing’ is their business. When leaders do not put themselves in the shoes of the citizens, things will never be balanced, so does the refusal of the followers to do the same.

Wisdom is a great asset needed to resolve all issues in existence and technology as a catalyst should not be in want to achieve peace speedily. Let us move forward and do something tangible, forsaking our puerile hide and seek!

In addition, empathy is the missing piece we all must find to get a quick and sustainable solution to the challenge on ground before it escalates into a greater dimension. Empathy is what every citizen- both leaders and followers- must possess, without which nothing in this world will change.

…and for a better Nigeria, I will do the needful !



By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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