

“Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour…If at my convenience I might break them, what would be their worth?”
– Cha-lotteBronte, Jane Eyre

Integrity has one of its meanings as being honest and authentic to oneself, and following a strict set of rules. I can hear the voice of Dr. Myles Munroe saying values are integral to national and social development. He says, when the leaders and citizens of a country begin to place less worth on the foundational values that once held their nation together, the country starts to lose its character.

Integrity is not something one can purely teach to others. It is more of a virtue that comes from within a person. One decides the principles to live by with great conviction and without a speck of compromise. Honesty, as a value, imbues lives with openness, reliability and candour. It expresses a disposition to live in the light while dishonesty seeks shade, cover or concealment. Honesty will not only salvage this country at this time but restore its sanity.

A nation that has its citizens plagued with lack of good morals and integrity will either remain stagnant or sink like the Titanic. His word gives more insight, I can hear Dr. Myles Munroe again saying that a society can be only as strong as the number of its members who value its laws and adhere to them personally. Things are evidently getting out of control for this country because not many of us want to live right, compromise is the shoes in vogue.

When we show our integrity instead of living it, we are as good as hypocrites. Parading our professed values when people are around is just like observing our watches with keen interest when we notice others are watching, it is nothing less than show off ! Be real.

_Let’s embrace integrity and the world transforms into a safe haven.

… and for a better Nigeria, my words, actions and thoughts are one!




By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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