

The city whose walls are broken down will definitely become an easy prey to diverse attacks from it’s enemies.

We have wailed and still wailing in our land of birth. We have searched and still searching for hope in our land.

It seems no hope is in view as no can one predict what the future holds for us with the current situations in the country.

Corruption, banditry, nepotism, kidnapping, armed robbery, ethnic clashes and other social ills are ravaging our land. One cannot but ask, where and how did our walls get broken down that have therefore exposed us to all these attacks to our enemies in our land of birth?
Like they say, truth is the only healing balm to an open wound in one’s conscience.

We have allowed nepotism, corruption and pollutions of varied manners to eat deep into the fabric of our society and today it is as if everything is fast disintegrating and the centre can no longer hold.
Of course he who steps on the tail of the snake must be ready to suffer it’s deadly venom when the snake bites.

We must therefore arise to rebuild our broken walls individually and collectively because no stranger will do it for us. Let us shun corruption in all its forms.
Let us embrace peaceful co-existence and tolerance among ourselves.
Let us resolve to take positive advantage of our diverse ethnic groups to build a great country.

*…for a better and progressive Nigeria I am unrepentantly committed to rebuilding her broken walls.*

✓ 0145.


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By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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