
Evolution and its effect.

Evolution is occurring all around us all the time, and it is influencing our environment, our health, and our overall well-being.
We can say evolution is a progressive change, but what type of change? And how relevant are these changes, good or bad?
When humans are involved, selection pressures on a species often become very strong, leading to fast evolution of human, this also affect the daily activities of human.

One important factor of evolution is technology. Which are seen in the following examples:

Commercial fishing: The way fish rearing was cultivated during the stone age is not the same way it is cultivated now, even when we talk about 100 years ago, there are still differences in cultivating then and now.

Telecommunication: in the earliest time, nothing like telecommunication, there is no way you could communicate with your family if you are not within or close to their residential area. Not until few decades when means of communication in Nigeria evolved. We could say evolution has made things easier here.

Transportation: Aside from the rate of accident in the country- road, air and the likes, the evolution of movement has cause more good. We only had the option to trek then.
When fishing pressure is high, the fish evolve to reproduce when they are younger and smaller, and thus tend to have fewer, smaller offspring. This evolutionary change can, in turn, reduce fisheries yields and the sustainability.

Urbanization: The development of cities dramatically changes many aspects of the environment and, hence, can instigate evolution in a variety of species. As examples, plants evolve decreased seed dispersal to compensate for the expansion of uninhabitable pavement, animals evolve resistance to industrial and residential chemicals, and bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics.

Evolution will fundamentally alter how species and ecosystems respond to environmental change- either good or bad, evolution therefore needs to be an integral part of our assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services. It is not going to be static, even though you feel things has evolved to your satisfaction, evolution may also have its side effect, yet it is mostly accepted that evolution has done more harm than good.

By Benjamin

A passionate blogger, digital marketer and also a freelancer.

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