

Truth is deserted, helpless and has gotten an apartment on the top of the list of threatened species. It is just as good as an archaic culture that neither ethnography nor ethnoarchaeology can rescue. Almost everyone exalts lies above truth; nobody wants the truth in black and white but coloured and spiced and sharing the same outfit with falsehood.

The lake of budget made for the Covid-19 health security has done nothing better to ease our health sector. The health workers are still crying for better welfarism. I wonder what part of the sector the money was invested in if our health facilities are still in agony, wailing for help morning, noon and night. Citizens are left with no options but to visit private health institutions since life matters, neglecting the comic salary structure and the daily cinema we see all around it, _et_ economic migraine tormenting our dear fatherland.

Truth sits on the lower end of a see-saw at disequilibrum with falsehood highly exalted on the other end, seated in principalities and power with full confidence and regalia. Fibs and deception blaze the trail of each day with utmost obeisance and adoration. Truth is reduced to nothing but a sworn enemy of traders, drivers, employees, bosses, children, adults, male and female; we all frown at its emergence.

The world in its entirety encourage lies and its associates, nobody wants to stand for the truth. Even when we know that truthfulness is the only route to the good life we all aspire to have, we still can’t give up lies. Falsehood has become a lovable but retrogressive culture pulling the earth towards a destructive temperature. We had better do something before the whole system is out of control.

Patriotic citizens, integrity matters in the affairs of our existence. Let us revive our virtues and live right with sheer truth in our actions and speeches. Let truthfulness be our song.

*… and for a better Nigeria, I will uphold the truth!*



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By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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