

In a quote written by Desmond Tutu, he says ” Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”. Many at times, we define kindness as merely the quality of being good, but there is really more to kindness than just being morally good.

Kindness means the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. It means the quality of being selfless. Many times, we see kind people as being weak and naive, but that is not the case. Being kind requires courage and strength.

Kindness is the most important tool to spread love and humanity. If as a nation and globally, we show kindness to one another regardless of tribe, race, ethnicity, and religion, then our world will flourish in peace, unity, and harmony. Kindness is not something that demands hardwork. It simply originate from the simple fact of doing no harm to others.

Yeah I know many times, people often take our kind heartedness for granted, and that might really get to us, but it shouldn’t stop us from still being kind because people will always be people. When we show kindness to others, it doesn’t only benefit them, it also benefits us.

So here are some benefits of kindness:

1.) Kindness increases happiness and a healthy heart.
2.) It slows down the aging process.
3.) Kindness improves our relationship and connection with others.
4.) Kindness makes you feel good about yourself, and it gives inner peace

People believe kindness is particular to those of religious faith because of their moral values. Kindness does not require you to be of religious faith or even spiritual. So I urge us this week to show kindness no matter how little it is. Remember, it’s the little acts of kindness put together that overwhelm the world. And just like Mark Twain said ” Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
So let’s make it our goal to always show kindness regardless of the situation we find ourselves in. Don’t just be kind to others, but be kind also to yourself. Remember you can’t give what you don’t have, so be kind to yourself first, then extend the kindness to others.

Love Always,

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