Vox pop


On this week’s vox pop three students share with AASA PRESS, their experience as students and how academic activities have taken a toll on their mental health.

Anonymous, 1

My life changed when I saw my 100 level result. The thing is I wasn’t even on a third class I had a 2’2. I remember writing in length for this course called ARC111 the result of this particular course shattered my heart.

I wrote badly, that my hand did hurt after the exam not to talk of the reading and tutorials I and my colleagues attended. It was the beginning of my sadness, anger, and disappointment in how things are being run. To some extent, I feel most things aren’t just meant to happen but when you are at the receiving end you just accept it the way it comes but it really hurts.

Anonymous, 2

I had to take two courses in 300 level second semester and I had an initial hope of getting A’s in the course. This would give me the perfect CGPA that I desire. The semester went on and on, the classes were not really good, we didn’t have a nice test and we had to prepare extraordinarily for the exams. I read like never before. I’m a glance through student, I didn’t just glance through this time,I read deep, went online for extra materials and sleepless nights. After the exam, I thought I had done it but there was this other thought of not getting an A and most likely, B in those two courses.

The Corona break came in straight after the exam and anytime I think of those courses, I either find myself angry or depressed because the more I think about how it went, I measure my chances of not getting an A which gets bigger, affects my plan on the longer run and will have me fighting for what I want later on when I should be rest assured that i’m good. The results came out and I didn’t get to see mine, all my friends told me of theirs and it just kept making me sad, I haven’t heard of a C, what does that mean?.

I went on my kneels and said God, even if it’s just 45/100, please. I have never prayed for such in my life but right at that moment, it’s all I ever wanted. I saw my result and I had a C, at that moment, I was very happy that I did not fail, I got back home and the dissapointment returned. Till today, if I see the numbers, 2, 5 or 3, it reminds me of it. I dream of it sometimes and it has been a disaster. I just hope that I can forget it soon and everything gets back to normal.

Anonymous, 3

Academically, if there’s one thing I learnt early is to expect less. It is sad that the system is making many of us accept less and we are simply left to figure it out ourselves even when there aren’t provisions for us to go bye in doing an effective research.
Most of the time I feel left out in school activities being an introvert isn’t helping matters. I want to make friends but I guess I’m scared of the unknown.

By Temitopedancer

My name is ÌyanuOlúwa Fágbiyè Tèmítọ́pẹ́ (Pen name: temitopedancer) I am the founder and team lead at My Cookery Zone. I'm an Anthropologist, multimedia Journalist / broadcaster, food blo
gger, and food writer.

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