AASA Kitchen


Yam Pottage is one of those very easy food to make, It is a very popular dish amongst Nigerian’s who enjoy their yam mashed.

It is often time called porridge but, in clear terms porridge is different from pottage. Pottage however, is a mashed yam cooked in rich tomato stew infused with protein, aromatics and green leafy vegetables.

Porridge on the other hand, is a dish made of grain or legumes, milk and/or water, heated and stirred until thick and typically eaten for breakfast. Which clearly doesn’t reflect what a yam pottage or any other pottage looks or taste like.

You can either prepare your Asaro (As called by the Yoruba’s) ie. Yam pottage very mushy or you can have slightly mushy and not entirely. It can be eaten with any type of protein or vegetable of your choice. The major nutrients of yam pottage is the carbohydrate obtained from the yam.


1. Yam
2. Red palm Oil (to colour)
3. 1 smoked fish (mackerel)
4. 1 tablespoon ground crayfish
5. onions
6. Fresh green vegetable eg scent leaf
7. Chilli Pepper
8. Seasoning cubes and salts to taste

The Process

After yam must have been peeled, rinsed and other ingredients and utensils have been put in place.

1. Pour enough water to cover the yam cubes and start cooking at medium to high heat.
2. When the yams have got a good boil, add the onions, ground crayfish, pepper, stock cubes, palm oil and the smoked fish.

3. Cover the pot and continue cooking till the yam is done.

4. Add salt to taste and stir very well. Cook at high heat for about 5 minutes.

5. Add the green vegetable, stir and leave to stand for about 5 minutes then serve.

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