

We do more of comedy than seriousness in this nation. We allow vital issues to lie helplessly in the ward while trivialities occupy the whole Intensive Care Unit without apologies. Important things are given no space to breathe.

More sense exists in getting things right for us to live well rather some people are very interested in taking advantage of the situation for personal profit. All they shout is creation of nations out of the main nation. It sounds great and I am very pleased with it! But have you ever thought that after the creation of the Oduduwa nation, the Biafra and the northern what have you nations, we are just starting to disintegrate. We will begin to have the Ijesha nation, Egba nation, Ijebu nation then we will proceed to having the Islamic nation, Ogboni nation, Christ’s nation, Osun nation and so on without end. -Oh my!

If we don’t manage our differences and take advantage of our population now, problems will always exist such that we can never provide solutions to. The real issue is that we all need a better standard of living and a sane environment to dwell in peace, a place we can call a home and majority of the citizens are living well under good governance. We have forgotten that even if we go our ways, those bosses will still remain bosses and the same mentality they have been possessed with may not leave them. Such experiences we have now may persist eternally. Even our orientations and way of life may still pull their luggage into the fresh nation we are aspiring to create, we then end up starting the cycle all over!

If some men tell us the time is 2:00pm, we really need go find a watch Carrier because that 2:00pm is either “quarter to or half past.” Some ambitious fellow are pushing to get something personally not necessarily because they want us to live better. Our eyes should see beyond the nose tip to avoid us being used and abandoned.

*… and to make us live better, I will do my best!*



By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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