
3 tips for optimal health as a Nigerian student.

How is your health?

Formal education in this part of the world has been placed on a high pedestal. As a Nigerian student, going through the various channel of the education can be very tiring as it affects one mentally and psychologically.

There are a few things healthwise, in most cases not taken into consideration and you need to be sure everything is balanced, to stay productive as a student. Here are few tips, important guides to take in other to keep your health in good condition.

1. Sleep
This very important, the therapy is to sleep on an average of 9 hours per day. But knowing well that you are a student and you will love to go for TDB- Till Day Break ( after you found out what really worked for you), yet you should make it up to 4-6 hours per day.
Not quite compulsory you observe this rest by the night if you are the TDB type, the goal is to make sure 6 hours of the 24 hours in a day is dedicated to good resting.
This promises good mental and physical health balance, the only reason you should try this is because it is medically accepted across the world, by the way I tried and it worked well for me.

2. Eat well
Everyone should eat well, but more than 40% of student just has to eat what they see. This is mostly as a result of financial stability. Yet there are some good food that gives reasonable nutrient, alongside less expensive.
Aside the financial aspect, some student skips meal, maybe as a result of trying to meet up with class. I understand, but if in any way you will be skipping meals, make sure it is not breakfast.
Observing breakfast has it ways of refreshing you for the day stress!

3. Exercise
It is not compulsory you visit the gym to observe this, walking is a good exercise; most of us do this unconsciously without knowing.
Make sure you engage yourself one way or the other in walks, no matter how short the distance is. Don’t be the type that will always take bike from one lecture theatre to the other, exercise burn calories, and the absence of calories is a sign a good health.

In conclusion, is it really worth it being a Nigerian student and not taking adequate care of yourself? Obviously not, it only makes one feel sick at the end of the day.

The highlighted tips above are very essential for optimal health and wellness. The stress in general is not worth it at the end.

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