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This action led to a backlash and criticisms from social media users for wanting to raise money for the late Ernest Asuzu’s burial whilst neglecting him while he was alive. Despite the backlash the actor reacted by saying “people would always talk no matter what”.

Remember the late actor Ernest Asuzu a popular face for Nigerian home videos who was also into music and movie production. He was said to be battling with stroke for years amidst other problems that kept him out of the lime light for years. He’s health issues took a toll on him financially as he was seen on social media begging for financial aid as he wasn’t in a good place.

He was even rumored to be dead at one point as no one had updates on what was going on is his life like his fellow colleagues.
On the 28th of January the actor slumped and died. Friends, family, and colleagues took to social media to mourn him.

However, the actor became a topic of discussion on social media platforms on the 22nd of march after his colleague Emmanuel Ehumadu made a post on how inspired he was to make sure he raised the sum of N25m for the late actor’s burial and the welfare of his family.

This action led to a backlash and criticisms from social media users for wanting to raise money for the late Ernest Asuzu’s burial whilst neglecting him while he was alive. Despite the backlash the actor reacted by saying “people would always talk no matter what”. He also mentioned that he is inspired to make sure that the N25m donation target would be raised.
Emmanuel stated that the money was going to be for the late actor’s burial and also for his family’s up keep. He asked those willing to help to reach out to him for his account details as the actor would be laid to rest on the 13th of April.

We see this play out on a daily within the family setting and society at large. The idea of not loving people enough, not appreciating them enough when still alive. This money could have been raised when Azuzu came online years ago to seek for help but instead, the initiative to raise N25 million dawned on the said actor after his death. This behavior often times showcased is it an act of benevolence? Or a means to an end for his personal pocket and those concerned?

A situation where the proposed money is squandered and the family of the deceased knows absolutely nothing about the raised amount. We can do better as a people who are drivers of change. We should see the need to care, celebrate and help when people are still alive not when they’re gone we start regretting why we never loved them enough.

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