

Whenever a situation is beyond crying about, laughter is what is needed and probably shaking of head either in disapproval or disappointment. A sigh of relief or some water will also do, refreshing the mind.

Endless scenarios enough to discourage our hearts and maybe our belief in peaceful living exist all around. Guns and ammunitions that used to live far away and in museums now exist in supermarkets. Supermarkets are even too far away, local markets are the new abodes for them because I do not understand how such have become accessories people now carry.

Not quite long ago, I remember being engaged with a commercial driver who declared to me how they bring resources together on a certain day of the week to purchase cartridges. I don’t know when drivers became warlords. Maybe cartridges are now a part of a vehicle. Why will they not create events, when they have all it takes to start a party?

Some things are never meant to be. Hope you know those ammunitions didn’t jump into the country and I am very sure they have no wings. Some people allowed them in. When hand-out become more important than our salary or wage, a big problem is logging in. Why can’t we be content with whatever we have? And if we are not satisfied with our salaries, it is very lawful to ask for an increase rather than commiting a great crime against the whole nation. It will not be bad either, if we invest our income to multiply what we earn.

Let us with a patriotic mind make this nation conducive for life. Efficiency at work saves the world some stress. Act right and live right, then you can sleep tight.

*…and for a better living, I will do what is right and lawful!*


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By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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