Relationship talks


Insecurity is an inner feeling of being threatened and inadequate in some way. As humans, we all have our individual fears and insecurities of varying magnitude. Sometimes, they are difficult to pin point let alone work on them but if we want to live a peaceful life, healthy, and happy life figuring out, acknowledging and managing our fears is of great importance. If unchecked these insecurities have a way of affecting other parts of your life including your LOVE LIFE.

We need to learn about our insecurities and know when they begin to cause issues in our Relationship as it is of great importance.
TO Caleb Backe “When thoughts become action that is where the breakdown really starts”.


Insecurity can also be viewed as being a little jealous or being paranoid all of which are normal. We can be sometimes very possessive without even meaning it, you can think of all kinds of things, and it doesn’t necessarily guide your decisions. But it changes when when you start acting on them that is, your insecurities. If your insecurities are causing you to think negative thought which later manifest into a negative action, that is when your relationship can start feeling some of the side effects of your insecurity. Some signs of insecurity include;

•You have trouble trusting your partner.

•You internalize your negative thoughts and then you turn them into.

•You compare yourself tom your partners Exes.

•You have your partner constantly reassuring you

•You rely on your partner to make you feel like you are enough

•There’s a feeling of distance in your relationship

•You read too much into what your partner says

•Consuming jealousy

•Demanding access to your partner’s devices.

•Avoiding confrontation


•When you start to notice the sinking feeling of insecurity there are a few things you can do which includes

•Building your self esteem
When you don’t feel good about yourself it is only natural that you would want to look outside of yourself for validation.

•Keep your independence.
Maintain your sense of identity and take care of your personal needs for your wellbeing are keys to keeping a healthy balance in a relationship.

•Trust yourself.
Trust yourself to know that no matter what the other person does you have you to take of you

•Take stock of your value.
Know what you can offer to the other person. Think about the traits you have and think of how you can make the person’s life better. and if the other person does not appreciate what you bring then it’s the person’s loss.

•If you want to manage your insecurities and minimize their impacts on your romantic relationship taking time to work on yourself is paramount. How you begin your journey of self-love and acceptance is totally up to you.

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