

When bewilderment bullies the bosses, what shall the followers do but to dance to the beats of disarray?
Confusion besets the bosses like dysentery. Hmmm, the matter seems never to befriend a way out since what matters does not matter to them. Unrequested death and abductions matter less than the fight for the next elections. Lawlessness and terrorism are no issues to deal with seriously as politics weighs better.

It is not astounding, beautifying the roundabouts with CCTV is very paramount to them compared to how much it can do saving lives and properties. Tyrannic fellows are taking charge, parading themselves as models and authorities without a speck of check. Who dares challenge? It is not easy for a pot to name a kettle Black.

When life is not given priority what other thing should be greatly valued by man, animals? Everything seems not to be clear anymore, funny bonnets and ties are the order of the day just to distract the world from the real issues in the air.
The breakthrough is breaking away from their forelimbs right before their very eyes like a damaged dam that no one can salvage.
Pride will afford them excess problems, and selfish ambitions even enough for the citizens. The state of the nation is drawing nigh unto chaos and salvation is urgently needed!

When what matters, matters to none, we are brewing problems but when what matters becomes a matter to all, we are milling the solution already. Let the security of the nation and her possessions matter to all for vast progress to arise.

*…and for a better living, I will value what matters to Nigeria!*

✓ 138.

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By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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