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DID YOU KNOW? Neanderthal Language Differed From Modern Human – they probably didn’t use metaphors..

By Egunsola John

Speculation is involved, keep that in mind. It’s debated but there’s some evidence suggesting other hominids did have some form of language. For example, hyoid bones.

The evolution of language is a fascinating and complex topic, explored by scholars such as Steven Mithen. When considering how Neanderthal language might have differed from that of modern humans, we must recognize the speculative nature of such discussions, even though some evidence suggests that other hominids did possess some form of language.
In his exploration of Neanderthal language, Mithen suggests that while Neanderthals likely had some form of communication, it probably lacked the sophistication and abstract capabilities of modern human language, particularly in the use of metaphors . Metaphorical language involves abstract thinking and the ability to relate disparate concepts creatively, a feature that may have been beyond the linguistic capabilities of Neanderthals.

Evidence supporting the idea that Neanderthals had a form of language includes the presence of hyoid bones, which are crucial for speech. These bones, found in Neanderthal fossils, indicate that they had the anatomical capacity for speech similar to that of modern humans . This anatomical evidence suggests that Neanderthals could produce a range of sounds necessary for verbal communication.
However, serious speculation remains. The exact nature and complexity of Neanderthal language continue to be debated. While they might have had the physical ability to speak, the cognitive and cultural contexts required for complex language, particularly the use of metaphors and abstract concepts, may have been lacking.

To illustrate the difference between speculation and evidence, consider the example of using obsidian skin scraping tools. While these tools were highly effective for many tasks, even they would struggle with delicate tasks such as cutting or shaving hair. Similarly, while Neanderthals had the physical tools for speech, the finer aspects of language—like metaphor—may have been beyond their reach.

In conclusion, while there is some evidence to suggest that Neanderthals had a form of language, it is likely that their communication lacked the metaphorical and abstract richness found in modern human languages. The study of language evolution remains an intriguing field, blending evidence with thoughtful speculation.

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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