
EDITORIAL: Heralding A New Beginning…

New beginnings, new seasons, new sessions all have something in common- a fresh start, and quite a number of them are happening simultaneously in these times.

For some, it is the initiation into a new ‘world’ order- in a manner of speaking, a world that seems to exist independent of preconceived ideas, perceptions of imbibed knowledge. For some, it is a chance to reach high again, a chance to dust their feet and take position to run again, a chance to make another effort to try better, harder again. And for some, it is the beginning of an exodus, inevitably written to come to pass.
However, just as the concept of culture is subject to relativism, so also is the concept of a ‘beginning’ relative to whom it may concern.

“The beginning is always Today..” -Mary Shelley

But perhaps Mary had an afterthought, but decided to leave it up for debate, as to how ‘Today’ is subject to individual relativism- as ‘Today’ is when and what you make it to be.
And on that note, AASA PRESS wishes you a Happy Resumption! However, ‘resumption’ like ‘today’, is what and when you make it to be. The question then is, when is your ‘Today’?

In Retrospect..

“Celebrate endings; for they precede new beginnings..” -Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Indeed nothing aids the mind’s ability to press forward with vigor more than reflecting and looking back upon what has been. As humans, culture and history and two major concepts that define us- as individuals, and members of a society.
History provides insight into who we are, who we have been, and where we are coming from. Yes, the beginning is always today, but yesterday still has a way on how today is viewed, accessed and faced. And so, in retrospect- as students, let us cast our minds back, take a small trip down memory lane, pick one or two things from history, and assess how it will help our ‘today’.
In the matters of experience, it may be unanimously agreed that it is in fact the best teacher, however, critical thinkers have negated the idea by stating that, it is only so for fools. And that the wise would learn from his/ her mistakes. As students, entering new sessions requires that we look upon where we are coming from, learn from the things that proved to be key boosters, and improve upon our identified weaknesses. In retrospect, what could you have done better? what did you do so well and can be ‘re-implemented’? what new things can you do?
And so, like our cumulative grade point average- being calculated from the very beginning, up until the current beginning, do an evaluation in retrospect, then look forward to the next..

Moving On..

“Though we may not have reached the heights we anticipated yesterday, today is a brand-new day to begin a new climb” -Chinonye J. Chidolue

Having done an evaluation in retrospect, it is time to reload and ‘refire’. Moving on, what’s going to be your new strategy? How are your plans to make the most of what yesterday had to offer to make today an upgrade? That schedule you employed for the last session, was it quite efficient, or will there be a need to tweak a few things? What new ideas would you be implementing to compliment what you already have?
There are diverse opportunities that ‘today’ presents us with, a variety of options to choose from. A chance to do things differently, a chance to refurbish, revamp or reinvent. ‘Today’ provides an avenue for forward growth, and a window of opportunity to do what could not been done or what could have been done.
And so, moving forward.. what’s the plan?

Dear reader, this editorial piece, was not just intended to stir your motivation receptors, but to help you understand the intricacies of all that makes for a new beginning. In the fever of resumption, appreciate the beauty of casting your mind back, acknowledge the need to restrategize for the present and look forward to what the new holds.

And so, the adventure begins…

By aasapress

Press Organization of the department of Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Ibadan.

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